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2018-11-03 23:46:47 UTC

Technically this won't be a wave election for either party, but we are set to do pretty well

2018-11-03 23:46:49 UTC

Red Wave gonna have all them POC like..

2018-11-03 23:47:32 UTC

>ftw Trump demoralizes all black voters by emotionally manipulating an insane rapper

2018-11-03 23:48:53 UTC

Tyrone Jackson <:really:453005408064241674>

2018-11-03 23:49:12 UTC

His name might as well just be Felony Conviction

2018-11-03 23:50:26 UTC

I hope that story is real

2018-11-03 23:51:20 UTC

It is, I remember that from a few years ago. Was a 'big' deal

2018-11-03 23:54:43 UTC

Weaponized Honesty. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป

2018-11-03 23:58:57 UTC

The old adage of being "armed with the truth" has finally become threatening

2018-11-03 23:59:59 UTC

This time next week we will be Defending Rockies...!

2018-11-04 00:01:46 UTC

The truth wins one way or another

2018-11-04 00:11:49 UTC

I like FtN's take that even if the GOP house is smaller, it will be more cohesive...

2018-11-04 00:11:57 UTC

Hopefully not a cope post

2018-11-04 00:12:05 UTC

Senate too

2018-11-04 00:22:16 UTC

Why did the R's say they were going to vote D?

2018-11-04 00:23:00 UTC

The wealthy can afford to live away from the consequences of diversity. They only interact with it when they go out to eat or hire a hispanic gardener/maid. They get to benefit at the expense of the working class while feeling virtuous as a result.

2018-11-04 00:26:10 UTC

@Nemets That's very different from 40% Mexican like the state as a whole

2018-11-04 00:29:25 UTC

Part of why we have to strive for self improvement is so that we can earn the respect of these people. A lot of class based voting involves rich college educated whites voting left to show they're not one of "those whites," the "deplorables" who "cling to guns and religion."
If we can break nationalism's negative stereotypes, it will gain more middle and upper class support

2018-11-04 00:29:41 UTC

@Ald It is possible. According to Cathy Princess Lithuanians vaguely understand some of Sanskrit.

2018-11-04 00:31:57 UTC

Perhaps Basque is Cro Magnon?

2018-11-04 00:32:04 UTC

@Nemets thoughts?

2018-11-04 00:32:10 UTC


2018-11-04 00:33:20 UTC

Does purely linguistic descent require genetic? I understand it probably does in hunter gather times.

2018-11-04 00:33:48 UTC

It isn't like today where pidgin tongues outlive their colonial influencers

2018-11-04 00:35:56 UTC

So Basques are pre I-E western Neolithic Europeans?

2018-11-04 00:36:24 UTC

That is what Mark Kurlansky said, but he spent half of his book crapping on Franco.

2018-11-04 00:36:25 UTC

Genetically no they are pretty much typical Mediterranean Europeans

2018-11-04 00:36:27 UTC


2018-11-04 00:37:31 UTC

@Nemets Thanks! I like having a learned scholar like you on deep ancestry to set us right

2018-11-04 00:37:36 UTC

Yeah that was thousands of years ago

2018-11-04 00:39:01 UTC

@Nemets So genetically they are less distinct than one might think, but their language?

2018-11-04 00:39:19 UTC

It is not Indo Euro

2018-11-04 00:39:38 UTC

Very NOT indo European...

2018-11-04 00:41:17 UTC

@Nemets noted thanks. I need to sift through the "we wuz" bro science I have absorbed

2018-11-04 00:41:37 UTC

@Nemets how many knocks did you have to do to get that one response?

Did no one else respond or just no one else stayed to chat at length?

2018-11-04 00:43:31 UTC

@Nemets Bless you for trying in the beast belly

2018-11-04 00:49:15 UTC

@Nemets I know that feel. Luckily the whiteness under my shirt is real

2018-11-04 00:55:36 UTC

I can't pull off anything except Anglo. My whiteness shines through at all times. <:nervous:359009898115104770>

2018-11-04 01:06:58 UTC

I only get mistaken for a Russian immigrant

2018-11-04 01:07:16 UTC

Idk why

2018-11-04 01:07:48 UTC

Too thin to be burger?

2018-11-04 01:12:17 UTC

Some people who do not have the ethnic background that is primarily some kind of Irish Scottish or Italian mix can be confused to look like Europeans. Some Russian lady said I do not look like a real American. Which kind of assumes that there is such a thing as an ethnically White American (as we believe).

2018-11-04 01:13:58 UTC

True my face isn't typical German-Irish burger

2018-11-04 01:16:36 UTC

It looks like IOTBW is kinda coming back.

2018-11-04 01:19:07 UTC

Yeah itโ€™s a Halloween thing now according to /pol/

2018-11-04 01:19:42 UTC

Wouldnโ€™t be a bad idea to poster it near our own stuff tbh

2018-11-04 01:19:47 UTC

Getting a ton of coverage

2018-11-04 01:22:26 UTC

I wonder what Nate Silver is up to right n-

2018-11-04 01:22:58 UTC

Haven't heard from Jeb in a while I wonder what he's up t-

2018-11-04 01:22:58 UTC

Nate Silver. Lol.

2018-11-04 01:23:23 UTC

Now I'm certain that the Republicans will win the house.

2018-11-04 01:23:54 UTC

Did Silver ever even address what he did wrong in 2016?

2018-11-04 01:23:58 UTC

Jeb, one can only have so many maids.

2018-11-04 01:24:34 UTC

I am indeed threatened by a less White country, whatโ€™s their next line of attack?

2018-11-04 01:24:58 UTC

Like no shit thatโ€™s a threat Jeb lol

2018-11-04 01:25:22 UTC

I had assumed he said there was systematic polling error but then I saw this.

It's like what one wise man said about Jews. You can argue with them and even get them to yield on points but then the next day they will show up a fresh slate, as if they had never suffered a defeat or yielded ground.

2018-11-04 01:25:43 UTC

>~20% chance
>landslide electoral victory

2018-11-04 01:25:52 UTC

Yeah he just says that like a huge amount of Republicans don't literally just feel that way

2018-11-04 01:26:10 UTC

And it's obviously fringe and ridiculous

2018-11-04 01:27:29 UTC

@Nemets you're right!

2018-11-04 01:28:01 UTC

2018-11-04 01:29:03 UTC

He says the polls would have to be completely wrong in order for there to be a chance and yet he gives them a greater than 10% chance. <:thinkplant:359034245777457173> <:thinkplant:359034245777457173> <:thinkplant:359034245777457173>

2018-11-04 01:31:19 UTC

Can someone tell me what qualifies as a "European spouse"? My friend is interested in joining up, but his wife is 30% Chinese (70% white). Is he eligible?

2018-11-04 01:31:54 UTC

Arguments with Leftists: Why bother?

2018-11-04 01:32:51 UTC

What is that thing? ^

2018-11-04 01:34:00 UTC

@Asatru Artist - MD Some kind of degenerate alien lifeform.

2018-11-04 01:34:28 UTC

In other words, a foul xeno.

2018-11-04 01:34:45 UTC

Oh look, a brown person that wants to suppress whites, while also claiming that whites oppress browns. <:really:453005408064241674>

2018-11-04 01:35:55 UTC

@Asatru Artist - MD HOLY CRAP I LITERALLY SAID "What's this thing?" BEFORE I SAW YOU HD SAID IT. hahahahhahahahaha

2018-11-04 01:37:04 UTC

Is this a thing? Scott Adams is a meme but he has said some insightful things. Maybe he is on to something with this.

2018-11-04 01:38:18 UTC

Page is not archiving but apparently this media outlet thinks Donald Trump jr is a closet WigNat.

2018-11-04 01:39:44 UTC

@Clarion -FL the standard I remember from interviewing is "would the child be eligible to join IE?" If not, reject.

I would question the percentage. It is almost certainly more or less than 30%.

If it was indeed 30, I would be thinking "probably yes" but only after asking Patrick.

2018-11-04 01:39:50 UTC

Stell Belle posted a video!!!

2018-11-04 01:40:07 UTC

Thought she died.

2018-11-04 01:40:54 UTC

@Logan , 23 and Me marks her as 70% European. @Reinhard Wolff ? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-11-04 01:41:57 UTC

15% Asian kid seems fine. 15% Jew would be a different story...

2018-11-04 01:42:20 UTC

Chinese and European.

2018-11-04 01:42:33 UTC

It's an edge case to be sure.

2018-11-04 01:42:35 UTC

More genes are transferred from the male than from the female.

2018-11-04 01:42:45 UTC

We'd probably ask for a photo.

2018-11-04 01:42:49 UTC

The male is 100% European.

2018-11-04 01:43:07 UTC

@Asatru Artist - MD interviewing traditionally sets the limit at 10 percent with certain exceptions.

Partial Jewish under 10 percent hasn't counted as an extra bad factor but African has. 3 percent is the max for African.

2018-11-04 01:43:40 UTC

There are exceptions though and fringe cases.

2018-11-04 01:43:54 UTC

Okay, I'll let him know what you guys have said. I guess it's best he just apply and see what happens.

2018-11-04 01:44:39 UTC

One guy got rushed through by an interviewer who is no longer among us.

He showed up at my Christmas party obese, with a Switch, and talking about his *full asian wife and two hapa kids*. It was a scene.

2018-11-04 01:44:56 UTC

This was over a year ago.

2018-11-04 01:46:21 UTC

There have been interviewing mistakes but that was probably the worst.

2018-11-04 01:47:00 UTC

Oh God a work colleague was saying he brought his Switch to work....

2018-11-04 01:48:59 UTC

What a chad

2018-11-04 01:49:15 UTC

Someone else at work was trying to hide that he was watching Tucker and reading RCP

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