
Discord ID: 430556993355251712

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2018-04-12 00:35:43 UTC

I don't think they would use it for pleasure

2018-04-12 00:35:50 UTC

No one is that moronic tbh

2018-04-12 00:35:56 UTC

so they just had large rooms with holes in the roof just to test on some people?

2018-04-12 00:36:11 UTC

The large room with holes

2018-04-12 00:36:16 UTC

You mean Auschwitz?

2018-04-12 00:36:32 UTC

Yes the gas chambers.

2018-04-12 00:36:39 UTC

That was actually a shower

2018-04-12 00:36:48 UTC

The holes would be added later on

2018-04-12 00:36:56 UTC

wait, let me get that footage

2018-04-12 00:37:16 UTC

the holes were added in 1941

2018-04-12 00:37:51 UTC

@liqhts watch this one. Again, sorry for the spanish subs but it is in english

2018-04-12 00:39:13 UTC

The morgue room in Crema/Gas Chamber 1 of the Main Camp was turned into a gas chamber in September 1941. The doors were made air-tight and holes were cut in the roof and capped with wooden chimneys. Crema/Gas Chamber 1 became a test facility for the new method of using Zyklon-B to murder large numbers of human beings at one time. When the method of pouring Zyklon-B through holes in the roof proved to be successful, the design was implemented in Cremas/Gas Chambers 2 and 3 at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

2018-04-12 00:39:20 UTC

i am watching

2018-04-12 00:42:08 UTC

However is it not possible that they were trying to hide the rooms as disinfestation rooms just as they were trying to hide the entirety of the final solution plan to the world? Maybe they used this "disinfestation room" as a gas chamber.

2018-04-12 00:42:44 UTC

After all, Zyklon B does not have to be chemically vaporized for it to work, it only has to be dropped in pellets which will exert the toxic gas.

2018-04-12 00:43:11 UTC

Anyways, I have to go. I have lots of homework for tomorrow but I look forward to talking more soon.

2018-04-12 00:43:17 UTC

Idk the "Final Solution" seems to moronic to me tbqh

2018-04-12 00:43:23 UTC

Check this one too

2018-04-12 00:43:28 UTC

when you are able to

2018-04-12 00:43:40 UTC

It is from a jewish historian named David Cole

2018-04-12 00:43:52 UTC

Again, sorry for the spanish subs

2018-04-12 00:44:44 UTC

I will watch it when I can, I must get doing my homework now though. Tomorrow I can talk more, Thank you again for not trying to call me names. Thanks for being respectful.

2018-04-12 00:45:02 UTC

I try to implement what I learned from better men than myself

2018-04-12 00:45:05 UTC

Don't worry

2018-04-12 00:45:16 UTC

Thanks for also being objective about the issue

2018-04-12 01:39:08 UTC

Hitler never admitted to the extermination of the jews because it was a private thing, that was part of their agenda, to not admit it, but some officers slipped up and admitted such as Himmler.

2018-04-12 01:39:10 UTC


2018-04-12 01:39:37 UTC

The final solution was deportation to Palestine

2018-04-12 03:25:51 UTC

2018-04-12 04:00:36 UTC

Okay guys, so I created the dischord. I'm not actually planning on attempting to start some party, but I formed it as a place where we can have mostly serious (and hopefully productive) conversations on a wide array of topics. I'm going to create separate channels for discussions on most of these topics: current events, college, business, economics, history, content creation (podcasting, essaying, etc.) and other relevant topics. I hope you'll consider joining.

2018-04-12 16:11:46 UTC

guys what if this is the turning poing

2018-04-12 16:11:48 UTC


2018-04-12 16:12:23 UTC

everyone in England who listens finally grabs their butter knives and takes down the government and drive the invaders out

2018-04-12 19:17:11 UTC

this is breitbart's logo today. not a parody

2018-04-12 19:20:40 UTC


2018-04-12 19:37:36 UTC

isn't that breitbart Israel's logo

2018-04-12 19:37:43 UTC

still gay

2018-04-12 19:38:57 UTC

2018-04-12 19:38:58 UTC

2018-04-12 19:39:12 UTC


2018-04-12 19:39:47 UTC

u right

2018-04-12 19:40:41 UTC

yeah I mean they are still zionist shills. More concerning at the moment is the possibility of TPP reemerging

2018-04-12 19:47:31 UTC

lol apparently a former doorman at trump world tower is alleging that the dahnald fathered a child with one of the maids that worked there

2018-04-12 20:00:44 UTC

I feel like if trump had bastards the dnc would have fished them out during the actual campaign

2018-04-12 20:00:50 UTC

big if true

2018-04-12 20:38:35 UTC

Here's how we will red pill the masses


Just like we did with "It's okay to be white", we're going to wake the masses on the JQ:

>Print out this "No War in Syria" picture

>"Humanitarian" millennials start tweeting and posting "#NoWarInSyria #WorldPeace" on social media

>Catches people's attention

>Catches media's attention

>ADL and AIPAC start denying sponsorship of this and start condemning it saying that "the Jewish community in America supports intervention in Syria"

>People see this

>Backfires on Jewish community in America as boomer neocons and moderates start getting suspicious of Jews


>College campuses

>Telephone poles

>Post offices

>In front of restaurants

>On your local synagogue

>Government buildings


>Gas stations

>Inside bathrooms

>Sports stadiums

>Vending machines


Let's spread this.

2018-04-12 20:38:38 UTC

2018-04-12 21:15:03 UTC

Thats just what their saying so they can surprise attack tonight

2018-04-12 21:21:36 UTC

All of this while the leftist media ignores whats going on

2018-04-12 21:21:44 UTC


2018-04-12 21:24:06 UTC


2018-04-12 21:24:44 UTC

@Groypertine good idea goy

2018-04-12 21:39:29 UTC

@Groypertine thx for posting this. I was going to but I couldnโ€™t find the thread

2018-04-12 23:57:52 UTC

spread this

2018-04-13 15:01:08 UTC

the UK is so lost

2018-04-13 15:01:23 UTC

The cities are

2018-04-13 15:01:41 UTC

the countryside will be next

2018-04-13 15:01:51 UTC

you can only fit so many immigrants in the city

2018-04-13 15:01:55 UTC

then they will spread out

2018-04-13 15:02:08 UTC

Arabs can't survive in England without vitamin D pills, so they'll die off if the country turns to shit

2018-04-13 15:02:12 UTC

depressing to open that article on Enoch Powell

2018-04-13 15:02:34 UTC

how the heck did things get this bad?

2018-04-13 15:02:48 UTC


2018-04-13 15:02:56 UTC

and Woman's Rights

2018-04-13 15:03:12 UTC

But mainly jews

2018-04-13 15:03:13 UTC

And weak minded people

2018-04-13 15:03:24 UTC

We wouldn't have women's rights without Jews probably

2018-04-13 15:03:32 UTC

I'm sure they had some hand in it

2018-04-13 15:03:35 UTC

Our men got weak and soft

2018-04-13 15:03:54 UTC


2018-04-13 15:03:55 UTC

>Jews and womens rights

2018-04-13 15:03:59 UTC

The family broke down

2018-04-13 15:04:01 UTC

no need to repeat yourself

2018-04-13 15:04:13 UTC

Hard times create strong men
Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
Weak men create hard times

2018-04-13 15:04:20 UTC


2018-04-13 15:04:24 UTC


2018-04-13 15:04:47 UTC

Universal suffrage by default is a shit idea

2018-04-13 15:04:53 UTC


2018-04-13 15:05:08 UTC

Plutocracy pls

2018-04-13 15:05:09 UTC

so is importing millions of thrid worlders for no reason

2018-04-13 15:05:14 UTC

you want a black pill?

2018-04-13 15:05:23 UTC

Their was a reason the Founders only let property holders vote

2018-04-13 15:05:27 UTC

2018-04-13 15:05:30 UTC

pls no every day is a black pill

2018-04-13 15:07:33 UTC

mexicans are seriously bad people

2018-04-13 15:07:42 UTC

so disrespectful and greedy

2018-04-13 15:07:44 UTC

I hate Mexicans the most

2018-04-13 15:07:48 UTC

who the fuck does that?

2018-04-13 15:07:54 UTC


2018-04-13 15:08:05 UTC


2018-04-13 15:08:06 UTC

They're literally barbarians

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