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2018-10-29 20:16:33 UTC

orange flag bad

2018-10-29 20:21:15 UTC

Renaldo doesn't know that today was black monday. But knows that the people who attended black monday didn't wave any orange flags.

2018-10-29 20:47:14 UTC

@Rendier. I just want to say that I was not born during apartheid. I am of Jewish decent and my great grandparents on my mothers side was held in Auschwich and was freed by Soviet troops. I have lost family members here in South-Africa from farm attacks. I socialize with my Black friends on a dayly basis because I know that not all black people are bad, just as I know that not all White people are good.
I just want to ask you. Why do you dislike the Boere so much? If it's because of some Boere who are blatantly racist then i understand. But why do you paint all the Boers the same colour when you talk about them? I have personally been DOXXED by Unicorn Riot because I asked the question "Do you guys think that this whole situation is going to lead to a universal race war?" In all due respect i understand that sounds racist as hell. But looking from my standpoint and my family heritage and history is that truely a bad question to ask?

2018-10-29 21:05:02 UTC

I like the Boere, I am an Afrikaner... what makes you think I don't like Afrikaners?

2018-10-29 21:06:23 UTC

Renaldo when you said the "Boer Testimony" is a "Hoer Testimony" said it verry clearly.

2018-10-29 21:19:43 UTC

I made that joke after I got blocked for wanting to give my opinion on a topic. I made the statement tongue in cheek stating they whore their beliefs out at the expense of people that respectfully want to counter their viewpoint.

2018-10-29 21:20:28 UTC

@Rendier I'm not trying to be little you. I think you are a verry intellectual individual. And I understand that what the white people did to the indigenous population of South-Africa was wrong. And what Hitler did to my people was even worse. But at what point can we come together as a society and put what happend in the past behind us and actually move foreward? Why do we slander each other and make inappropriate jokes?

2018-10-29 21:21:20 UTC

I don't. I suggest you ask the right leaning guys why they constantly attack me on social media. I never have anything bad to say... I just return the hate that is thrown my way.

2018-10-29 21:27:00 UTC

Renaldo is a liberal?

2018-10-29 21:27:06 UTC

Oh jesus

2018-10-29 21:28:33 UTC

Renaldo. Two wrongs don't make a right.
You and I never lived in Nazi Germany.
You and I never lived in Apartheid.
Why do we live life as if we are still living in those times? Why isn't our generation saying enough is enough. We don't want to have this mentality anymore. I don't want to kill anyone and I don't want to be killed by anyone because of my race and ethnicity.

2018-10-29 21:29:39 UTC

If we keep on thinking about what happened in the past we can never move foreward.

2018-10-29 21:34:43 UTC

What makes you think I disagree with you?

2018-10-29 21:50:33 UTC

@spursfan82 lol you donโ€™t actually believe the kulak thing do you

2018-10-29 21:50:46 UTC

Just take into consideration that many people have lost loved ones to farm attacks after apartheid. And that the majority of these people did not deserve the way they were brutally murdered. And i understand the DA's point that there is 56 murders in SA everyday these victims being black, people of colour, white, asian and indian. But just remember we white people do not go into black peoples property to go and murder them. Im just sharing my two cents on the issue. Cheers and Peace out.

2018-10-29 21:51:42 UTC

@BraaiBroodjie itโ€™s extremely likely our great grandparents knew each other

2018-10-29 21:52:07 UTC

Great grandmother released from Auschwits

2018-10-29 21:52:15 UTC

The DA supports the victims of Farm Murders and believes that it occurs

2018-10-29 21:53:05 UTC

What can the government actually do to stop farm murders

2018-10-29 21:54:32 UTC

Because criminals will go after these isolated targets and thereโ€™s no way police can do anything since these farmhouses are so remote. Unless youโ€™ve been on a large farm youโ€™ll understand this. So besides for not taking away guns Iโ€™m not sure what they can do

2018-10-29 21:55:45 UTC

Renaldo. I PRAY for your family member on the farm. I PRAY that you never see her raped and Brutally murderd.

2018-10-29 22:06:37 UTC

more anglo saxons are killed every year than the boers

2018-10-29 22:06:42 UTC

Nobody cares

2018-10-29 22:38:21 UTC

I care @Koloth the Klingon Porn Star It's just the few people know that ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

2018-10-30 07:39:17 UTC

@SebVet Kulaks. Successful, independent farmers in the Russian Empire. Rose up from peasantry. Their success made them class-enemies of the peasant class and they were targeted by the government, their land seized and they were sent to labour camps...

Am I wrong about the "kulak thing"?

2018-10-30 07:58:34 UTC

please follow these oukes and go and vote on their website:

2018-10-30 07:58:41 UTC
2018-10-30 08:33:38 UTC

@BraaiBroodjie i also forgot that it was black Monday yesterday because i was to busy worrying about evacuating my home due to the fires up in the mountains close to my home. And they media and social media was not that active on black Monday as last year. Maybe because the media could not find anything "racist or controversial" to report about black Monday.

2018-10-30 08:44:20 UTC

@Meerkat_RSA hope your home is safe!

2018-10-30 08:47:17 UTC

Home is safe. No homes burned down in my area. The smoke was mainly the reason for the temporary evacuation. But now I am back home.

2018-10-30 08:56:08 UTC

Ahh, glad to hear your home is safe

2018-10-30 09:39:47 UTC

Iguacu falls, the city near the town I'm from, voted almost all for bolsonaro. last night some communist pieces of scum went around the city throwing bricks at government buildings, business owned by bolsonaro supporters. some dozen random people caught them, beat the shit out of them, maybe even beat some brains into them, and handed them to the police

2018-10-30 09:43:17 UTC

And I guess the police beat them more?

2018-10-30 09:59:25 UTC

probably lol. weird to think that the average IQ of brazil is 87, butwe still hate retards like communists

2018-10-30 10:08:02 UTC

Man I wish we got a Bolsonaro

2018-10-30 11:38:04 UTC
2018-10-30 11:39:20 UTC
2018-10-30 11:47:25 UTC

Sorry, are we condoning state approved / police violence / vigilantism or am I misreading things here? On what planet is it clever or funny to cabtegorise violence as "beautiful" or suggest (repeatedly) that a beating to the brain is a a good thing? What next? Are you going to post party pics of Temple Killings? South Africa is a country in which political, police and state institution brutality is rife - and always has been under both Apartheid and the new EFF/ANC not-so-secret coalition - how is that you balance your violence books i.e. what makes some police / state violence more acceptable than others? I'd also really love to know what the interest in in South Africa is when its quite clear that certain members here would be best placed in ganglands. Also say what you like about Petzer and Co - they at least have the balls to put their reps on the line for what they believe in - whether you like it or not is another matter). My personal opinion is hardly left at all, but this kind of shit is so toxic and does nothing for anyone - or maybe I just havent had my head kicked in enough to understand.

2018-10-30 12:16:49 UTC

I read the message as a bunch of commies who threw rocks at government buildings and private businesses, probably because they lost the election.
Should the people have just let them continue throwing rocks?

2018-10-30 12:24:15 UTC

@GTollini sounds alot like one of our neighborhood watchers. They are registered as an neighborhood watch. But they have there own arm systems, armed "volunteers" who receives a salary.(almost like a security service) One time there was a drunk hobbo in our street and the neighborhood watch slowly drove behind him to "escort" him out of the neighborhood. But he was walking in the middle of the road all what the neighborhood watch did was "driving slowly because they didn't want to run over the drunk hobbo"

2018-10-30 12:25:52 UTC

I read this:

2018-10-30 12:25:52 UTC

GG @Deleted User, you just advanced to level 9!

2018-10-30 12:33:50 UTC

Yeah that sucks

Why are they rioting in the fist place though?

2018-10-30 12:37:31 UTC

Aren't these antifa/commie types known for using women as human shields?

2018-10-30 12:46:24 UTC

@spursfan82 - they were protesting against the election results ... in the pic I 'shotted. I also have no idea about antifa's and commies and all the rest of that jazz - my eye is really on the SA ball as that's where my concern/interest lies. My point really is police brutality is unacceptable - anywhere. Why would you need a shield against the POLICE? Better ways to stop a protest surely? And certainly I cant think of a single reason to call it "beautiful" or to repetitively express violence as a means of making someone more intelligent as is suggested above?

2018-10-30 12:53:55 UTC

Not a fan of police brutality either.
But also not a fan of protesting election results, unless they were a fraud.
Basically, they just throwing a tantrum because they lost right?

2018-10-30 13:06:09 UTC

@Deleted User must be nice living in a world where violence isn't the answer. Unfortunately the only way to fix things is with violence

2018-10-30 13:06:50 UTC

Those guys who raped and murdered that girl in Stellenbosch? They shouldn't be in court, they should be in a ditch with holes in their head

2018-10-30 13:07:41 UTC

That goes for any murderer or rapist. Enough with wasting tax money on people who won't learn

2018-10-30 13:08:15 UTC

Just remember. Lindsay Maasdorp supports those Stellenbosch rapists.

2018-10-30 13:08:39 UTC

Then he gets to burn in a tyre too

2018-10-30 13:08:55 UTC

Enough talk

2018-10-30 13:18:17 UTC

@Cal bearing your warped thought pattern in mind, I'm assuming you are one of the few of your kind then who do not view Mandela as a terrorist - I mean violence and bombing is the answer isnt it? Why then the issue with this? .

2018-10-30 13:19:43 UTC

He is a terrorist though

2018-10-30 13:20:04 UTC

No point hiding that, one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter

2018-10-30 13:20:20 UTC

@Cal how come? Whats wrong with violence .... you just said its the answer? do explain .......

2018-10-30 13:21:18 UTC

Anyone fighting against the established government is a terrorist

2018-10-30 13:21:42 UTC

I'm not saying there's anything wrong either

2018-10-30 13:23:47 UTC

"Warped thought pattern" ๐Ÿ˜† That's pretty harsh...

2018-10-30 13:25:08 UTC

@spursfan82 , not really - in fact I think its, whats the word Im looking for ..... oh, yes: "beautiful"!

2018-10-30 13:25:43 UTC

You wanna see something beautiful?
My brazillian friend might like this

2018-10-30 13:27:14 UTC

2018-10-30 13:27:40 UTC

2018-10-30 13:27:48 UTC

2018-10-30 13:28:29 UTC

2018-10-30 13:28:40 UTC

2018-10-30 13:29:35 UTC

2018-10-30 13:30:14 UTC

@Deleted User it has taken me a long time to type this because I wanted to make sure my english was okay to avoid misunderstandings. you are confusing your personal opinion and view of events with reality. you are trying to speak of things you have no idea of, and you follow that by comparing it with things that are in no way comparable. I said that violent idiots were attacked by people because the criminals in questions were rioting around peoples homes and businesses, throwing bricks and rocks at buildings and people. I do despise those people causing the trouble, but I am not celebrating them being attacked in turn, as satisfying as it is to see. I am celebrating that peaceful people stood against violent communist hooligans to defend their homes and their families. No I am not confused, you can be peaceful and still have the right to fight back. It is truly disgusting how you defend such people. every video i have seen since yesterday of so called police brutality, the police never start it. if someone gets pepper sprayed at a protest, I am not happy about that, but if someone gets pepper sprayed and beaten up because they threw petrol bomb at police, I am not stupid enough to defend or sympathize them. You are not an ANC supporter I am sure, but would you go and throw petrol bombs at police when the ANC wins an election? would you support them? would you criticize police for arresting you or your friends who threw petrol bombs at them? would you defend someone who comes into your street at night and throws a rock through your childrens window?

2018-10-30 13:30:15 UTC

I ask you to not judge others from your place of privilege, I do not know your situation either so maybe I am wrong about you, but I think you should think more about why you support violent hooligans who have already murdered dozens of innocent civilians in just days because their preferred candidate, who is a criminal himself mind you, lost fairly in a democratic election. you are witnessing democracy as Pericles himself intended. As to why I am on a south african server. This is because I watch renaldo and I enjoy his content, does any of the rules say that only south africans may be here? you hold no more power over this server than I do so why are you here trying to dictate who may or may not be here based on their political views and opinions. Brazil as a country suffers ten times worse than what you just listed for south africa, but we dont spend our time trying to censor people we dont like on discord

2018-10-30 13:32:03 UTC

one of my all time favourite beautiful moments:

2018-10-30 13:33:51 UTC

One of my favourites

2018-10-30 13:39:21 UTC

Why would you grab a cops tazer and not expect to get shot by 2 armed cops lol

2018-10-30 13:41:24 UTC

to be honest i think the shooting was a bit extreme - they could've stopped at tazering him.

2018-10-30 13:41:50 UTC

He didn't go down the first time

2018-10-30 13:42:06 UTC

I'm not sure what they were supposed to do

2018-10-30 13:45:29 UTC

I dunno, the cop already warned him about being tazed just before he grabbed the cops tazer, and while being tazed he still decided to point it at the cop who shot him. I get the impression that he still would have fired off that tazer, and the first cop no longer had a tazer on him, so what were they going to do really to improve the situation?

2018-10-30 13:46:21 UTC

Besides, can hear he is still alive, so they only shot to disarm him, not to kill him.

2018-10-30 13:52:45 UTC

@GTollini don't recall mentioning your name specifically - but if the jackboot fits, wear it - try not to kick anyone though (hard for you as that may be) . Also, pray tell, what IS my "position of privilege" and since when is challenging an opinion censorship? Actually, spare yourself the time of crafting an explanation, I really don't care: "but I think you should think more about why you support violent hooligans who have already murdered dozens of innocent civilians in just days".

2018-10-30 13:59:13 UTC

I don't understand why you protect Communists, you realize they would do the same?

2018-10-30 14:07:11 UTC

Who are we talking about?

2018-10-30 14:10:07 UTC


2018-10-30 14:11:51 UTC

When we live under a set of laws, we are bound by those laws, and we are supposed use the laws legal process to overcome the issues. If the people resort to violent behavior that trigger law enforcement (and please realise the emphasis on "enforcement") its because the law itself approves to deal with a threat by whatever means, a violent threat does warrant a violent response.

Even if the government is corrupt, that's not an excuse to abandon the law and go against it, that only justifies the corrupt governments use of force. Now why would anyone want to justify that? Supposed to lead the good example of the law, not follow a bad one.

2018-10-30 14:11:51 UTC

GG @Sheamus, you just advanced to level 26!

2018-10-30 14:13:06 UTC

@dostoevskysghost Don't suppose you have videos of naxalites getting beaten?

2018-10-30 14:20:52 UTC

@Cal umm not on my phone no.

2018-10-30 14:23:21 UTC

Damn, Okay thanks anyways

2018-10-30 14:46:10 UTC

2018-10-30 14:48:36 UTC is the guy a badass or is the taser weak?

2018-10-30 15:24:09 UTC

I think it could be either, but I've heard tazers much like pepperspray becomes less effective the more you are exposed to it.

2018-10-30 15:49:45 UTC

why do people think that being against the 1992 referendum means you support apartheid voting yes is worse IMO because if you voted yes you where a traitor even if you where not aware anything is better then giving the commie sympathizing unqualified terrorist group the ANC the control off the country if you really believe voting no was racist i hope you suffer greatly under this shitty 2 party populist fuckup like allot of us are

2018-10-30 15:53:12 UTC

i guarantee the majority cowards that fled the country in the 90's voted yes . run away while everyone else had to stay and deal with this corrupt fuckup

2018-10-30 15:55:45 UTC


2018-10-30 16:00:47 UTC

Lol that oke is desperate for a joint, using the low grade product of twigs and pips only ๐Ÿ˜‚ think it conveys the message.

2018-10-30 16:26:55 UTC

Laughed at that just as the power goes out... ๐Ÿ˜•

2018-10-30 16:49:33 UTC

@Deleted User for you to turn around now and be a victim is an insult to everyone who read your original message. your formula ad hominems leave me without doubt that you are trolling or that you are too immature to decide that your opinion carries weight. Your position of privelege is being able to condemn people for defending their families against violent hooligans and then attacking me for declaring their actions justified. You saying I do not belong here because i am not of the mind as you is attempt at censorship. Your responses are arrogant, insensitive, and a long way out of touch with reality and what ordinary people must go through day to day. If you think an adult response is to mock me for saying you must be more compassionate before you judge other people, then I am thinking you are the one that wears the jackboots

2018-10-30 17:17:12 UTC

Also trying to work that out @Jub

2018-10-30 17:17:31 UTC

just read through the logs xP

2018-10-30 17:17:51 UTC

idk u guyys keep fighting

2018-10-30 17:17:58 UTC

@GTollini anyone is allowed here so dw

2018-10-30 17:18:01 UTC

have a nice day

2018-10-30 17:19:03 UTC

@GTollini ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™ƒโ˜๏ธ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ™„

2018-10-30 17:29:54 UTC

Some Right Wing people has become like the Left finding offence in something that is not offensive. Change My Mind.

2018-10-30 17:40:51 UTC
2018-10-30 17:41:01 UTC

Who is most likely to swallow

2018-10-30 17:41:07 UTC


2018-10-30 17:41:08 UTC


2018-10-30 17:41:12 UTC


2018-10-30 17:42:46 UTC

Fair enough

2018-10-30 17:43:25 UTC

Got to get in that extra protein.

2018-10-30 17:43:34 UTC


2018-10-30 17:43:51 UTC

Essential Vitamins and Minerals

2018-10-30 17:48:05 UTC

You need the sauce. But you can also get lost in the sauce.

2018-10-30 18:03:36 UTC

They aren't fighting, they are just disagreeing. It's still pretty civil to be considered a fight really.

2018-10-30 18:04:21 UTC

Nothing wrong with disagreements, it's also to be expected here honestly.

2018-10-30 18:07:33 UTC

discord definition: 1. disagreement between people.

2018-10-30 18:07:36 UTC


2018-10-30 18:10:48 UTC

You're on the money @literally ๐Ÿ˜Š .... nothing like a little bit of an opinion skop skit n donder between online avatar shields. Best part? Nothing but feelings (if even those) get hurt ๐Ÿ˜Ž

2018-10-30 18:14:53 UTC

Yeah I rate that's better as opposed to alternative ๐Ÿ™ feelings are temporary. I prefer the disagreement and the conversations, so keep it civil and majority should be okay with it.

2018-10-30 18:18:45 UTC

@spursfan82 was talking about the conspiracy theory that modern day Jews are actually converted kulaks

2018-10-30 18:18:45 UTC

GG @SebVet, you just advanced to level 13!

2018-10-30 18:20:59 UTC

@SebVet Lol.. what?
No, I was referring to that post about Boers being "modern day Jews" - I disagreed and said it would be more accurate to compare boers to the kulaks.

2018-10-30 18:22:19 UTC

Yea got confused. Usually when Jews and Kulaks are in the same paragraph thatโ€™s what someone talking about. There was ambiguity in the sentence

2018-10-30 18:27:02 UTC

@Duke lol the question was basically yes/no wether to carry on with apartheid are you fucking kidding me. Of course itโ€™s racist to say yes, I want apartheid to continue. Maybe if youโ€™re insane and believe apartheid wasnโ€™t racist.

2018-10-30 18:28:30 UTC

Also not everyone thatโ€™s against Bolsonaro is a communist. According to him Everyone whose against bolsanaro is a communist

2018-10-30 18:29:10 UTC

All those filthy communists in the UN

2018-10-30 18:31:02 UTC


2018-10-30 18:31:03 UTC

So guys

2018-10-30 18:32:55 UTC

Loaded questions are typical though๐Ÿ˜•

2018-10-30 18:33:26 UTC

@SebVet Why are you going on reddit for news

2018-10-30 18:33:35 UTC

But @GTollini I may actually think Bolsonaro is what Brazil needs. I think a lot of his rhetoric may have been electioneering but you need a major crackdown on crime. Isnโ€™t it like 1/3 of Brazilians have been in the middle of a gunfight.

2018-10-30 18:33:41 UTC

I'm disgusted

2018-10-30 18:33:45 UTC

@WuldGoGayForLauren itโ€™s quite a good news aggregator

2018-10-30 18:54:31 UTC

@SebVet dont you think that rhetoric is dangerous though? I mean if I compare this to Malema - he says its rhetoric and he doesn't really mean *actually* slitting the throats of whiteness, he doesn't really mean kill the boer, yet every time he goes off on a tangent, farmers die? That crime is bad in Brazil is undeniable, that it needs sorting is a given, but people in power, or seeking power need to be careful of what they say - lets remember that their supporters lap their shit up, and act it out ..... words do matter - and leaders should really be cognisant of that. Its also what gets me about Trump - he incites - people follow through. Its why I cant reconcile fighting off violence with violence , or celebrating violence when you have been affected by it .... Lula is a shit, he's driven the crowds to Bolsonaro - who isnt (in my uneducated opinion) the exilir - he's just a different kind of poison in an enticing bottle.

2018-10-30 18:56:41 UTC

That said 55% is not a slim margin ....... thats a lot of people who buy into and espouse his opinions.

2018-10-30 19:02:50 UTC

@Deleted User usually Iโ€™m all for the politics of moderation, especially in this country. But when gangs are walking around Favelas with Fully Automatic weapons and the country was rocked A) by a recession B) an enormous corruption scandal I canโ€™t really justify supporting Hadad over Bolsenaro. The Racism and anti - LGBT stuff I think most likely(hopefully) wonโ€™t go anywhere and heโ€™s said that heโ€™s not against the democracy. So itโ€™s probably worth it to have an authoritarian to restore order

2018-10-30 19:09:14 UTC

2018-10-30 19:10:31 UTC

@SebVet they are all shysters ... I absolutely disagree with the SJW's painting Lula as a political prisoner who had no idea (like Ramaphosa - lol) what was happening under his watch (aided by the media). What is alarming is that choices are having to be made between candidates who are bad and less bad ... so yeah Haddad vs Bols. not hard to see why B. won - the thing is that he IS a capitalist - its more than just his anti gay stance, pro-torture stance that is of concern (as well as some of his more detrimental short term capitalist policies) I get the nationalist feeling and I see just why people are so angry that right-style politics is gaining traction - but at what cost .... anger is infectious, also what happens when people who DID vote for his rhetoric get pissed off and take matters in their own hands. This is why I support self determination. Like-minded people should live with like minded people.

2018-10-30 19:11:43 UTC

Has event for victims that excluded victims

2018-10-30 19:12:11 UTC

So Inclusive

2018-10-30 19:12:18 UTC

2018-10-30 19:21:17 UTC

@Apollo - lol the meme diffusal method. Love your style. Also - WTF are those girls thinking?

2018-10-30 19:25:12 UTC

War and violence

2018-10-30 19:45:09 UTC

I'm not trying to defuse anything i just wanna fuck with the rhythm of the conversation. I expected more action from the conversation

2018-10-30 20:10:31 UTC

It's all becoming sensitive subjects lately...

2018-10-30 20:37:44 UTC

I could see the ANC holding a solidarity event for farm murders(White people need not attend)

2018-10-30 21:00:55 UTC


2018-10-30 21:44:18 UTC

Wait @SebVet They said that? ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-10-30 21:54:31 UTC


2018-10-30 21:54:43 UTC

Hillary was racist on tv.

2018-10-31 00:47:13 UTC

@Duke wasn't it a rebel group not isis?

2018-10-31 06:36:33 UTC

2018-10-31 06:46:30 UTC

Best part is hillary calling african kids "super predators"

2018-10-31 06:59:39 UTC

Lindsay Maasdorp is n Maasepoes.

2018-10-31 07:38:30 UTC

Velaphi Khumalo get nothing for hate speech wtf

2018-10-31 08:10:13 UTC

@DirtNapBrand Vicky Momberg also got nothing for hate speech. She got 3 years for criminal injura. Velaphi Khumalo still need to appeal in front of court for criminal injura ..

2018-10-31 14:51:11 UTC
2018-10-31 15:33:38 UTC

seems about right. Most of the ppl I know are saying they are not going to vote for the DA or even vote at all.

2018-10-31 15:36:26 UTC

The conversions usually ends up with me trying to convince them to at least vote for somebody instead of not voting at all. I feel a no vote helps the ANC

2018-10-31 15:49:51 UTC

1800 adults are a small research pool.

2018-10-31 15:55:35 UTC

I think it does the opposite really. Their power and influences hinges on a voting majority that is dependent on them, its in their best interests to keep people dependent and invested in voting, because people not voting are pretty much independent and don't depend on the government. Would be awful for them if the majority One day decides they don't need the government, because they can do better for themselves. But yeah I don't see it as a bad thing to be honest.

2018-10-31 16:03:01 UTC

the current voting majority wont turn against the party that freed them from Apartheid. will take a couple of generations more till something like that can happen in SA.

2018-10-31 16:08:59 UTC

Apartheid is just an excuse, they clearly are very much comfortable with the idea of segregation and race based policies, the way they are currently going.

2018-10-31 16:09:54 UTC

Read the updated response they got... The irony lol

2018-10-31 16:10:02 UTC

yeah I agree but its still a very big factor in their voting decision

2018-10-31 16:10:31 UTC

It's only optical, perception

2018-10-31 16:11:05 UTC

Freedom isn't being in debt to a political party lol

2018-10-31 16:12:19 UTC

If you don't have the freedom to vote according to what's right for you, and you have to vote out of fear and debt to another party, then you are no free man, political prisoners I guess?

2018-10-31 16:14:31 UTC

All the racists on both sides needs to die of old age and maybe even their children before real change can happen without "war"

2018-10-31 16:14:50 UTC

its going to take a long time

2018-10-31 16:15:08 UTC

The way things are escalating, I don't think there's time to wait it out lol

2018-10-31 16:19:25 UTC

trying to force change only delay's the process or create power vacuums. That's the last thing SA needs.

2018-10-31 16:21:28 UTC

I don't suggest any force be applied really.. But force is being applied, that revolution is strongly desired, so they are pushing for it.

2018-10-31 16:22:09 UTC

we are still in the aftershock period of when Apartheid was removed.

2018-10-31 16:23:02 UTC

a non qualified/educated ANC took over the country almost over night

2018-10-31 16:23:59 UTC

even if the ANC gets removed by revolution who do you think will govern SA ? Sure as hell wont be the DA

2018-10-31 16:24:30 UTC

it will start all over again with a bunch of randoms in charge of running a country

2018-10-31 16:34:00 UTC

Yeah I know. It is what it is though. Accepting it will get us much further than denying it.

2018-10-31 16:36:39 UTC

so your saying a war is better than now where you are sitting with a roof over your head, food in the fringe, in front of your PC with internet.

2018-10-31 16:37:09 UTC

no way in hell a revolution happens in SA without war

2018-10-31 16:37:53 UTC

and all of the above disappear if war breaks out

2018-10-31 16:38:52 UTC

for decades, no turning back

2018-10-31 16:40:37 UTC

that's option A Option B is fighting the long game legally with international support

2018-10-31 16:40:59 UTC

same way the ANC won

2018-10-31 16:41:47 UTC

50 years ago ppl would think your crazy if you told them the ANC would rule one day

2018-10-31 16:43:27 UTC

Yeah, and it's going to happen. Not because I want it to happen, but because reality just is what it is. I just have accepted that, I'm not living some delusion that I know what's best for everyone, and that there is some magical fix. So no I don't prefer this method of lawlessness and chaos, the total anarchy of a mob in search of justice and revenge.

2018-10-31 16:44:04 UTC

but you are doing that exact thing lol

2018-10-31 16:44:20 UTC

What am I doing lol

2018-10-31 16:44:23 UTC

"I know what's best for everyone" so you want a revolution

2018-10-31 16:44:47 UTC

Lol where the fck did I say I want a revolution?

2018-10-31 16:45:28 UTC

I said the people want it, I'm not the people lol I'm not even speaking for them, I'm merely stating my observations lol

2018-10-31 16:46:09 UTC

since when does a fringe small group of people represent everybody ?

2018-10-31 16:46:36 UTC

do you see millions of ppl grabbing land ?

2018-10-31 16:46:51 UTC

do you see millions of ppl at EFF rallies ?

2018-10-31 16:47:02 UTC

do you see millions of ppl at BLF rallies ?

2018-10-31 16:47:31 UTC

your talking social media as the "voice" of the ppl

2018-10-31 16:48:46 UTC

Not referring to any specific political party, referring to an idea, communism and socialism and everyone that subscribes to those ideas.

2018-10-31 16:48:49 UTC

I see more racial negativity on this channel than I do in my daily life

2018-10-31 16:49:07 UTC

by a big margin

2018-10-31 16:50:07 UTC

Wow this channel actually hardly features any racism at all, but you are finding it..

2018-10-31 16:50:15 UTC

jew this jew that

2018-10-31 16:50:55 UTC

lol logs are available to everybody

@Nidalap Rorrim no antisemitism plz

2018-10-31 16:51:26 UTC

GG @๐—ง๐—ถ๐˜๐˜‚๐˜€, you just advanced to level 1!

2018-10-31 16:51:57 UTC

Lol, sure it is, though I don't think the term jew necessarily equates to racism. Jew this and jew that, what is this and that?

@Nidalap Rorrim you are not allowed to criticize jews because that is antisemitism. get educated on it plz

2018-10-31 16:52:57 UTC

play blind all you like.

2018-10-31 16:53:42 UTC

@๐—ง๐—ถ๐˜๐˜‚๐˜€ Titus learn to comprehend when somebody is against it and not for it

2018-10-31 16:54:24 UTC

How am I playing blind lol, you are equating racism with jew this and jew that, so the term jew is emphasised, you aren't emphasising what this or that is, so then it must be the term Jews that is racist, not the this or that?

2018-10-31 16:55:52 UTC

I could get a couple top shelf whiskey's if I had 10c for every time somebody said F Jews in voice chat and general chat before purges

2018-10-31 16:56:28 UTC

Jesus why is everybody fighting these days...

2018-10-31 16:56:51 UTC

Probably, I wouldn't know. I don't hang out in the voice chats here, only the threads

2018-10-31 16:57:05 UTC

I'm talking about the threads.

2018-10-31 17:00:13 UTC

@WuldGoGayForLauren not responding to your message

2018-10-31 17:00:52 UTC

anyway back to the point. I'm a white male working in Limpopo and racism isn't part of the daily routine at all. I can only think of one incident this year in fact and that was just a misunderstanding.

2018-10-31 17:01:34 UTC

and yet your saying the ppl want or are pushing for a revolution...

2018-10-31 17:02:20 UTC

"your saying"

2018-10-31 17:02:25 UTC

I love that quote

2018-10-31 17:04:04 UTC

"But force is being applied, that revolution is strongly desired, so they are pushing for it." his words if you scroll a bit up

2018-10-31 17:08:01 UTC

@titus what is your agenda, you just here to stir shit ?

2018-10-31 17:08:18 UTC

just ignore him xP

2018-10-31 17:08:29 UTC

Most likely trolling for a reaction

2018-10-31 17:08:34 UTC

Well, they are getting their revolution it seems, and the majority seems to be supporting it... So reality seems to be far different from your perception I guess. I too don't witness much of anything in my day to day life, doesn't mean it isn't happening at all.. I tend to stay away from crowds and areas where I am not welcome, so understandably I don't witness it directly every day. But anyways.

2018-10-31 17:09:00 UTC

again with the "majority"

2018-10-31 17:10:56 UTC

What's wrong with "majority"?

2018-10-31 17:11:29 UTC

2018-10-31 17:12:00 UTC

Lol yes, majority rule

2018-10-31 17:12:01 UTC


2018-10-31 17:12:08 UTC

majority means exactly that... majority

2018-10-31 17:12:15 UTC

Niddalap im pretty sure Limpopo aint the majority

2018-10-31 17:12:23 UTC


2018-10-31 17:12:43 UTC

that's my point nobody here is pushing for a revolution

2018-10-31 17:13:00 UTC

since when is the fringe groups the majority ?

2018-10-31 17:13:20 UTC

I'm not pushing for anything lol

2018-10-31 17:13:47 UTC

Since the majority are supporting it and showing it to happen.

2018-10-31 17:13:48 UTC

"But force is being applied, that revolution is strongly desired, so they are pushing for it."

2018-10-31 17:13:55 UTC


2018-10-31 17:14:02 UTC

"Well, they are getting their revolution it seems, and the majority seems to be supporting it"

2018-10-31 17:14:11 UTC


2018-10-31 17:15:43 UTC

@Deleted User do you know the word context ?

2018-10-31 17:15:56 UTC

Which word?

2018-10-31 17:17:13 UTC

Oh sorry, yes I known what context means ...

2018-10-31 17:17:36 UTC

Fuck. My Twitter might have been compromised...

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