Message from @WuldGoGayForLauren

Discord ID: 507236427340316682

2018-10-31 16:46:09 UTC  

since when does a fringe small group of people represent everybody ?

2018-10-31 16:46:36 UTC  

do you see millions of ppl grabbing land ?

2018-10-31 16:46:51 UTC  

do you see millions of ppl at EFF rallies ?

2018-10-31 16:47:02 UTC  

do you see millions of ppl at BLF rallies ?

2018-10-31 16:47:31 UTC  

your talking social media as the "voice" of the ppl

2018-10-31 16:48:46 UTC  

Not referring to any specific political party, referring to an idea, communism and socialism and everyone that subscribes to those ideas.

2018-10-31 16:48:49 UTC  

I see more racial negativity on this channel than I do in my daily life

2018-10-31 16:49:07 UTC  

by a big margin

2018-10-31 16:50:07 UTC  

Wow this channel actually hardly features any racism at all, but you are finding it..

2018-10-31 16:50:15 UTC  

jew this jew that

2018-10-31 16:50:55 UTC  

lol logs are available to everybody

@Nidalap Rorrim no antisemitism plz

2018-10-31 16:51:26 UTC  

GG @π—§π—Άπ˜π˜‚π˜€, you just advanced to level 1!

2018-10-31 16:51:57 UTC  

Lol, sure it is, though I don't think the term jew necessarily equates to racism. Jew this and jew that, what is this and that?

@Nidalap Rorrim you are not allowed to criticize jews because that is antisemitism. get educated on it plz

2018-10-31 16:52:57 UTC  

play blind all you like.

2018-10-31 16:53:42 UTC  

@π—§π—Άπ˜π˜‚π˜€ Titus learn to comprehend when somebody is against it and not for it

2018-10-31 16:54:24 UTC  

How am I playing blind lol, you are equating racism with jew this and jew that, so the term jew is emphasised, you aren't emphasising what this or that is, so then it must be the term Jews that is racist, not the this or that?

2018-10-31 16:55:52 UTC  

I could get a couple top shelf whiskey's if I had 10c for every time somebody said F Jews in voice chat and general chat before purges

2018-10-31 16:56:28 UTC  

Jesus why is everybody fighting these days...

2018-10-31 16:56:51 UTC  

Probably, I wouldn't know. I don't hang out in the voice chats here, only the threads

2018-10-31 16:57:05 UTC  

I'm talking about the threads.

2018-10-31 17:00:13 UTC  

@WuldGoGayForLauren not responding to your message

2018-10-31 17:00:52 UTC  

anyway back to the point. I'm a white male working in Limpopo and racism isn't part of the daily routine at all. I can only think of one incident this year in fact and that was just a misunderstanding.

2018-10-31 17:01:34 UTC  

and yet your saying the ppl want or are pushing for a revolution...

2018-10-31 17:02:20 UTC  

"your saying"

2018-10-31 17:02:25 UTC  

I love that quote

2018-10-31 17:04:04 UTC  

"But force is being applied, that revolution is strongly desired, so they are pushing for it." his words if you scroll a bit up

2018-10-31 17:08:01 UTC  

@titus what is your agenda, you just here to stir shit ?

2018-10-31 17:08:18 UTC  

just ignore him xP

2018-10-31 17:08:29 UTC  

Most likely trolling for a reaction

2018-10-31 17:08:34 UTC  

Well, they are getting their revolution it seems, and the majority seems to be supporting it... So reality seems to be far different from your perception I guess. I too don't witness much of anything in my day to day life, doesn't mean it isn't happening at all.. I tend to stay away from crowds and areas where I am not welcome, so understandably I don't witness it directly every day. But anyways.

2018-10-31 17:09:00 UTC  

again with the "majority"

2018-10-31 17:10:56 UTC  

What's wrong with "majority"?

2018-10-31 17:11:29 UTC

2018-10-31 17:12:00 UTC  

Lol yes, majority rule

2018-10-31 17:12:01 UTC  


2018-10-31 17:12:08 UTC  

majority means exactly that... majority

2018-10-31 17:12:15 UTC  

Niddalap im pretty sure Limpopo aint the majority