Message from @Sheamus
Discord ID: 470254058532241428
lol indeed
wow... uhm, mind blown by that.
@Daniebees this should be interesting
^^ Great video
I freegin love Bearing.
aww blocked by copyright grounds?
@Conscious Caracal hide your keeeds😂
Jis that guys mental gymnastics
The video is still up on Bitchute
Ditsem! @Klipkop (Clip-Cop), you just advanced to level 4!
☝☝☝ Worth the watch, if you don't know who this guy is, he is my #1 role model as a content creator.
That Rational disconnect oke needs a poes klap
@Klipkop (Clip-Cop) yes i notice the resemblance to be honest lol
He has an edge on me. It is a pity he is an Australian, everything sounds funnier in Australian 😂
Ja well, you will get there buddy.