Message from @Daniel van Straaten
Discord ID: 470296909429342220
I freegin love Bearing.
aww blocked by copyright grounds?
Oh the Guardian blocked it...
@Conscious Caracal hide your keeeds😂
Jis that guys mental gymnastics
The video is still up on Bitchute
Ditsem! @Klipkop (Clip-Cop), you just advanced to level 4!
☝☝☝ Worth the watch, if you don't know who this guy is, he is my #1 role model as a content creator.
That Rational disconnect oke needs a poes klap
@Klipkop (Clip-Cop) yes i notice the resemblance to be honest lol
He has an edge on me. It is a pity he is an Australian, everything sounds funnier in Australian 😂
Ja well, you will get there buddy.
lol crazy ass shit, can you imagine that, people justifying littering with their feelings.
Rules for rulers, an old favorite lol
Some good lessons for white South Africans that believe the owe the blacks anything...