Message from @Malcolm the Seceder
Discord ID: 469479671659102218
Aangename kennis @Nicole425, welkom by **Willem Petzer Live Chat** 👨🏼🌾🎙️
I hate how we're associated with Israel sometimes... Our situation is NOTHING like theirs.
@cµrvy The Israelis are genociding the Palestinians in Paelstine, and the Blacks are genociding the whites in South Africa. Same thing.
Well yes, but I mean the otherway around is how we're compared...
The ANC are piggy backing their agenda on the plight of Palestine
@cµrvy Almost impossible to change that perception when they own the entire MSM.
Ditsem! @Deejay from Earth, you just advanced to level 3!
Yes, and this is why I am sick of these "stop plaasmoorde", stop this stop that banners. Nobody will stop anything. We have to to stop it ourselves.
I mean it's good for raising awareness but how long wil lit continue.. I don't know..
I added some new custom emojis. Have fun.
Aangename kennis @CarlSagan, welkom by **Willem Petzer Live Chat** 👨🏼🌾🎙️
Ah ok thanks. Henceforth I shall refer to them as "the people being genocided by the Israelis". 👍
Lol if you want but they're not a people and they're muslim so who cares what's happening to them
@Malcolm the Seceder And that attitude and level of spirituality is exactly why the entire world is completely and utterly FCUK'd.
Muslims are destroying our world. They worship Satan.
@Malcolm the Seceder You preach hate, you attract hate. Maybe it's time to stop hating dude.
When they stop beheading our soldiers on our own streets and raping our girls and blowing us up and flying planes into our buildings and taking over our cities and enslaving our women in their shariah law then maybe I will
The Mehdi is quite literally the antichrist.
@Malcolm the Seceder If you still believe the official 911 narrative then I can't help you.
Deejay are you a flat earther?
@Shiver Howzit dude yes I am.
👌 Naisu
To be honest with you, EVERYONE is a flat earther.
Interesting concept please proceed...