Message from @☇Unlimited Power☇
Discord ID: 286038151187660801
@everyone Announcement: I am working with Kevin MacDonald, and will be producing the official Culture of Critique audio book. I'm expecting, tentatively, for this to be a six month project, but I hope to come out ahead of schedule and under budget.
That said, I am fundraising. Donations can be made to
Official announcements on major podcasts to follow very soon. I hope everyone is as excited for this as I am. I'm proud to have the honor to take on this very important production.
@J. Fairwater Will this take away from your Treastise on "My Dog's Assessment of the Philosophical Underpinnings of the Alt Right?"
@Hand Banana I'm quite sure it will, unfortunately.
@everyone If you're online come in the Blabber chat
Will after class
I have to mollify the dog. His owners left for a week and no one told me. So I will comfort him and his guilty ass pitbull mug
i had to dog sit this weekend and it caused me to relapse due to lack of sleep
i cant believe i had caffeine
wiccans are the most ovenworthy of pagans.
Damn, Redpanels is calling it quits.
@BellaDashwood can you hear me?
I can hear you
I had read that Sodom happened to be built upon a giant natural gas deposit...need to look up the source, but one candidate for the real Sodom not only had those immense subsurface reasources, but from archeological exchivation turned out to be a pretty dry, boring bureaucratic town, akin to The Hague
Where's me farken durries? I wouldn't trust ya as far as I could throw ya. I grew here, you flew here. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!. Oi you see that sheilah on Home and Away last night? Yeah she's alright ey. I saw your mum sucking a dead dog's donger the other day. It's true. Oi mate, one hundred percent, truly ruly, you are a total faggot. Oi, you are a fucking faggot though. You're madder than a cut snake. Oi, you hear that new Jack Johnson track? Fucking so sick, bro. So sick. I bet your mum didn't even let you watch Cheez TV before school. Yeah grouse mate. Haha, what the fuck did you just say to me, you little poof?
Get out of it ya bloody backdoor bandit. I hope your chooks turn into emus and kick your shithouse down. Yeah bet you'd like a go, fucken doodle diddler. You look like the south end of a northbound camel.