Message from @卐 Heimdulf - VA 卐
Discord ID: 331131071011749889
In some ways we're doing something very new and radical with this event so more centrist people are looking to see which way the winds blows with this rally
If we look strong and professional a lot more people will jump onboard
And fun
Dont forget that
Fuck those people. They don't matter. At all. I agree, we should be spending our energy focusing not on our enemies but our own minds bodies and spirits. People will be attracted to the aesthetic of our power, strength, and self discipline.
If we're successful a lot more people will come into our camp and look to us for leadership
There is a certain chaos to the organizing of these different groups so we have to prove we can pull it off
All we have to do is show up, have fun, speak our minds about the interests of our people and avoid fighting each other
@卐 Heimdulf - VA 卐 There's a place in the overall strategy for the "Fuck them all!" militant edge. This isn't that event.
Time and place. An abundant variety of tactics are how we are going to achieve final victory.
The Christian has the concept that he is at war with three things.
Himself, the world, and Satan.
We are constantly at war with our own weakness. We are constantly at war with the world tempting us into losing focus of our goal. We are also at war spiritually.
Muslims have a similar concept of an inner struggle and outer struggle, with the most important being the inner struggle
So yes, militancy is good and will always be good. Adopt the mindset you are in a war and one of your biggest foes is your weakness
Unfortunately, it’s a fact that eastern Europeans view western Europeans as ridiculous fag-enablers.
Even more unfortunately, this perception is grounded in reality.
TFW no swastika emoji to put underneath a Nazi post
@Hand Banana <:futuresoldier:324384735675547658> @JohnStrasser is DODGING
Can you send your avi^
Looks bad ass
Hey you guys i know how to keep us safe from antifa
All of the men should just start making out with each other at Lee park
Augustus Invictus disrupted an Austin impeachment rally
If you're an NRA member let them know they're invited to our rally.
Wtf I love Republicans now
@everyone To be crystal clear Based Stickman is not coming to the event. Don't reference him in promotional materials.
He bail for the arm or because Gavin?
@MadDimension I thought he was coming as a enforcer?
guess hes not as based as we thought
Hes just 1 dude. We have all the great enforcers we need 💪
He was coming but he broke his arm
Of course that didnt stop him from attending the rally yesterday in Texas...
We've been knowing that he wasn't that based for a while actually. though i've heard he's more of a Nazi than he lets on. Still doesn't excuse all his cuckery.
His people saw a TWP flyer with his name on it and are in mutiny evidently
He's accusing us of "exploiting his name" but it was a harmless mistake
(((his people)))