Message from @Tyrone
Discord ID: 331421315724607488
lol his arm will be fine in 6 weeks
It should
Yeah he's full of shit. Fuck him. i don't care if in private he's full 1488.
He's definitely using the arm excuse to blow us off
He's skeered
What the flying fuck does any of that actually mean? Being and American Nationalist is considered divisive. Globalists and are formly against ANY nationalist preference.
Any chance we can meme this guy into Bitch Stick Man?
Chopstick faggot
"divisive rhetoric" Nah holup Based Stuck Man You got a problemo with white boys sticking up for white boys. And u can't get on board?
Sharpen your stick breh...
@boilerplate told you, man.
Based gook wife man
"Suspected far-right extremists veiled a Holocaust memorial in Lakewood, New Jersey, with a banner displaying an ethnic slur against Jews. It comes amid ongoing police investigation into massive welfare fraud, implicating a local rabbi."
Good play to VA.
I wonder if they would have explained the parenthesis for us if it had said (((You))) will not divide us.
Well done
Lol these responses on Twitter
Jews consider anything an ethnic slur that points out that they are Jewish.
I like how they're offering a 10k reward for info on this "defacement"/"hate crime" when it literally consists of a sheet that these goys probably paid ~$5 for
In a better world one of our guys would tell who did it and claim the reward.
We would have competent lawyers who would represent him pro bono and it would be determined not crime was committed or would have to run the entire concept of a "hate crime" through the legal ringer and show it's garbage political prosecution.
That's why they stated they will pay for a "conviction"
I'll go tell them sam hyde did it and collect my shekels
I was never expecting him to come after the pasts he made about how "Nazis" didn't belong in the movement a few months ago
Oh chopstick man
I wonder how long it's going to take for someone at work to recognize my wristband
Forever... I wear mine everywhere lol
I know the alt knights are coming in mass
@MadDimension he didn't post that anywhere but there from what I see
I'm alt knight sorta... I'm cool with them and in the group... More than a few bucks though
Those Jews really got found out
Haha I live in the next town over from Lakewood, good job with that banner
We are seeing a really concerning rise in anti-Semitism recently. It's a shame.
Are you Ie @Evan - NJ
Ah ok cool
I think we're going to need extra lighter fluid...