Message from @ETBrooD

Discord ID: 621262000449781760

2019-09-11 01:28:00 UTC  


2019-09-11 01:28:07 UTC  

I hope Jeremy finds himself in love with Ebola-chan.

2019-09-11 01:28:13 UTC  


2019-09-11 01:28:26 UTC  

That's the extent of how much I hate his mannerisms.

2019-09-11 01:29:07 UTC  

woah, you're so cool

2019-09-11 01:29:19 UTC  

I am not. I'm just bitter.

2019-09-11 01:30:26 UTC  

Being edgy alone does not make one cool. That makes you lead character of Arifureta.

2019-09-11 01:36:22 UTC  


2019-09-11 01:39:28 UTC  

The only good thing about DigiBro is him taking a shit on SAO.

2019-09-11 01:39:53 UTC  

That said, while he takes a shit on SAO, he's a huge fan other equally shitty series: Log Horizon.

2019-09-11 01:40:15 UTC  

Fucking isekai shit. The least imaginative nonsense out there.

2019-09-11 03:04:49 UTC  

Fucking hell, Whiic

2019-09-11 03:05:16 UTC  

```That said, I still fucking hate Jeremy and I wish him dead.```

2019-09-11 03:06:56 UTC  

that's fucking edgy

2019-09-11 03:08:34 UTC  

edgy enough to cut him on the words alone

2019-09-11 03:17:53 UTC  

🔪 🗡 🍴

2019-09-11 07:57:06 UTC  


2019-09-11 08:32:18 UTC  

Hey @whiic

2019-09-11 08:32:47 UTC  

D-d-d-do I an-n-n-annoy you wi-wi-with my st-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-uttt-t-tering?

2019-09-11 08:33:23 UTC  

D-d-oes it mmm-mm-m-mmm-.-mmmake you want me de-de-de-dead?

2019-09-11 08:35:08 UTC  

Hey @whiic if I [censored] and I keep [censored] will you want me [censored] ?

2019-09-11 08:36:47 UTC  

If....... I.............. talk........................

2019-09-11 08:52:27 UTC  

I don't think it's worth it, I just ignore High On Beard Oil Hambly entirely. He's just not worth the time.

2019-09-11 09:24:08 UTC  

I desire to slap Jeremy around with a large trout for his clickbait titles.

2019-09-11 09:24:13 UTC  

But that's aboot it

2019-09-11 09:27:13 UTC  

Out of curiousity, has anyone here ever seen a single pro no deal, or even pro brexit, article from the BBC? Thinking back I cannot think of a single time they entertained the other side

2019-09-11 10:00:34 UTC  


2019-09-11 10:00:52 UTC  

They report reality and fact, Brexit will be damaging to us. Why would they lie about that? @Jackula

2019-09-11 10:03:57 UTC  

What ‘pro Brexit’ articles do you want them to release?

2019-09-11 10:04:21 UTC  

Don’t forget the BBC do not write opinion pieces, they only post fact.

2019-09-11 10:04:25 UTC  

Which they have been doing.

2019-09-11 10:11:14 UTC  

open wide for the BBC

2019-09-11 10:28:43 UTC  

"Why don't you just pay the terrorists?" -Vee

2019-09-11 10:29:17 UTC  

Maybe Mitch said that same retarded shit as well, suggesting vegans could buy the animals to save them.

2019-09-11 10:29:40 UTC  

...not understanding that buying the animals gives the farmers money to buy two new ones to torture.

2019-09-11 10:30:27 UTC  

It is same as funding terrorists. When you pay random to get a person free, the use it to kidnap ten more and demand money for them as well. Happens all the time.

2019-09-11 10:31:37 UTC  

And I ain't unironically calling farmers terrorists, but from vegan point of view, they are. So why pay the terrorist? Why would **a vegan** purchase the animal to be free'd?

2019-09-11 10:33:58 UTC  

The fact that Hindus may purchase cows and set up sanctuaries for them is only an example of lack of principle Hindus have. And it's not limited to cow sanctuaries, they buy leather products and meat from Muslims, etc. they just refuse to kill animals themselves. It's the ultimate NIMBY hypocrisy. They refuse to kill an animal, they pay other people to do it for them, pretending they weren't the financial motivation behind the murder of the cow.

2019-09-11 10:34:52 UTC  

Vegans more principled than Hindus.

2019-09-11 10:44:28 UTC  

@whiic i like how you turned commentary on paying terrorists into anti-hindu nonsense