Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 413094158366932994
there was a dude taking up a squat rack to do stretches
yea YMCA's are usually filled with knuckle heads
yeah same thing for my university gym. Even the workers do it wrong at the end of the day
Check out this bodyweight workout I came up with: 25 push ups, 10 pull ups, 10 dips, 10 chin ups, 1 min plank. Perform all those then rest 2-3 min, repeat as many times as you can.
I used to do something similar to that every night before I re joined a gym. I think it helps but I don't get gains from it like I do the heavy lifts.
I'm no expert though so maybe I just wasn't doing enough.
Yeah if you’re trying to get big heavy lifts are definitely better
100 pushups in the AM then stretches to help shoulder mobility
I'm in need of some advice on doing OHP in a basement with a low ceiling. I've been doing them kneeling, or on one knee. Anybody dealing with the same issue? What's your solution?
@Sonic Sitting at the rack
Ok thank you. I'll give that a shot. Appreciate the response!
Can anyone recommend a good wrist brace. I need it for support. I don't really like the big bulky old style.
What exercises do you need it for
One thing to make sure is you're not doing "gay wrist", aka letting your wrist bend backwards on exercises like bench press. You want your hands and wrists to be in line to maximize force output and reduce joint stress
Just a fun tip for everyone. Also you can say fag wrist if you're into that
The main issue I have with it are when working with dumbells, using cable machine to do arms and curling machines kills it. When using a straight bar for curling it doesn't hurt it but if I use a curl bar it kills it.
That may be rooted in a mobility issue in your forearms and wrists. I would suggest also looking into some stretches for long-term improvement. "Front Rack Mobility" would be a useful topic to research.
As I age I am getting better at stretching all the time. It is the result of an injury.
I've struggled with wrist pain off-and-on for a couple of years, curl/ez bar would always make the pain flare up. I haven't had much pain at all in the past ~6 months, after using a wrist brace for several weeks and just lifting heavy shit all the time. Think I eased the wrist strain and then gained some hand/joint strength. shrug
What kind of brace?
this tbh
Anyone else bench in the squat rack when it gets heavy? I’ve been doing it when the gym isn’t crowded and it’s pretty sweet especially since no spotter
@peytonT absolutely at the gym I'm at it's set up that way on purpose
It was some effort but worth. I finally got to use a bench wide enough for my shoulders
@Deleted User thanks brother.
@JesseJames#9618 No problem. I sometimes wear wrist wraps (Nordic lifting brand) for weights, but I wore the Mueller Fitted Wrist Support at work for several weeks and noticed a significant difference/improvement.
Press F for my squat career fellas. Dunzo.
@Deleted User thanks for the help bro.
@Deleted User come on bro get some osteo bi flex 💪🏼
And the squats are really starting to take a toll on my knees
Oh believe me man I understand 100% I was just kidding around.
It sucks because I really like them. Especially the warm ups. They feel really good on my hip flexors and back you know?
I like squats the most out of all the big lifts
Deadlift > bros