Message from @Zyzz
Discord ID: 454790314847371264
Just know it exists
Less than 2k members though
Wheat field update #3: Due to a continuing lack of women we have decided to fertilize the wheat fields. Will update again in 15 days.
how do you tell the difference between a girl just being nice to you/platonically friendly and her giving signs she's into you?
There's entire books about this sort of stuff, but just asking is probably the easiest option. If you don't want to be super obvious just ask her to do something alone with you.
tbh i'm not sure if I'm into her
there's a girl in my martial arts class who started at the same time as me
and all this time I have no idea if she's just been friendly with me or trying to subtley tell me she's into me
so I'm just hoping for some kind of wisdom so I could differentiate
Yeah if you're not really interested in her then I would just not even worry about it. Just do what you normally do and let her escalate things if that's what she wants to do.
>escalating things
Well if you are not interested and she likes you and she never says anything that's not really your problem.
fair enough
@Gaius Mucius Scaevola look up IOIs (indicators of interest). Study these and eventually you’ll be able to tell on your own if she’s into you.
Newly single. Advice on looking for someone who could be considered "marriage material?"
And/or what should be some basic criteria to look for?
I might be biased, but, being an IE member is a good start
IE > general population
True, and I'd agree. But what would list as criteria to look for, in terms of character?
@SamanthaM I think some important qualities in a partner are:
1. Able to communicate with you comfortably.
2. Being able to separate who you are as a person apart from what your emotional state might happen to be at one particular time.
3. Looking to make you comfortable.
I think these 3 go both ways in a successful relationship.
@SamanthaM are you asking for yourself?
@SamanthaM being a single women in IE is an absolute jackpot. idk if you go to meet ups but if not you should. the people(men) who i have met here are top quality. in terms of your question, i'd say someone who conveys to you that they want marriage and kids in the not so distant future. as in, someone who expresses intent and does so routinely. someone who isnt afraid of commitment.
also someone with their career together. as in, they have a job they like and they have a path to advancement
guys need to be financially secure in order to be available for marriage/kids
Come on ladies. Wheat fields are standing by.
I just want to put this out there. I'm currently tied down, but if any IE girls need some dating profile pics I literally have access to thousands of acres of wheat.
It's almost ready too.
@micbwilli you're already married right?
No but I'm not looking. I just kinda see post here and check them out. I'm discord obsessive and can't stand unread messages.
I don't even know why I was added to this part of the server.
I'm not a lady bro... 😅
ya'll can still get married
no homo
Oh goyd I'm sorry bro!
No worries. 👌
The puppy avatar threw me off.
Is the new one better?
@micbwilli very unambiguous
@ThisIsChris @Zyzz Thank you for the advice. Yes, it would be nice to have an honest talk about career and finances. Not asking for a lot, but maybe it would be nice to know any prospective children could have a decent future.
Just looking for someone who would be "in charge," if that makes any sense?
@SamanthaM Of course, sounds like what I would describe as "a stable family oriented person", seems reasonable to me.
@SamanthaM Yeah i think the only responsible thing to do is to make sure your career/finances are in order prior to bringing children into this world. Nearly all women want a man who is "manly" as in they are masculine. A part of masculinity is the willingness and ability to lead or take charge