Message from @Freiheit - CA
Discord ID: 496531938539208705
I used to not really think about my glasses, now I take any visual que I can to reduce my soy factor.
Indeed. Anyone else purposefully not opening their mouths during photographs?
I don't smile much in pictures, but that's because I'm bad at forced smiles
If you look at my picture in OC on the fitness server, that's about as much as I smile
The soy smile meme got to me. TBH, I used to do it often.
Same, I soy smiled a few times.
Now I have RBF
It really is the expression of a man who does not know what to do, but must express a nominal, obligatory degree of emotional engagement.
In a non-threatening way
Take notes on peak chad expression boys
Big brain...
i-is that real?
that's really cringy looking
*tips fedora*
Pretty much never wear any hats other than ball caps (if you've the requisite muscle mass) or stocking caps in cold weather
Although I wear a bucket hat on the lake. Sunburn prevention
White men must own a hat for white outings.
...not fedoras...
You should wear a hat for the express purpose of taking it off indoors.
That's something people need to do again.
It's only polite.
It's a quick "No schlomo bro"
I've had grils say that they like my glasses before, but I think most of the time it's a facetious comment.
I don't smile, I smirk or have a solemn face.
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN Cowboy hats acceptable.
@Tanner - SC 'natural eye wetness'... Low IQ terminology of the day 😁 try ocular moisture distribution, or corneal lubrication behavior haha. And Interesting exchange with Louis yesterday. It's okay though, all our guys need a chance to vent a little autism one way or another.
But I concur, cowboy hats are a good option. Just don't go overboard. It's good to wear to work, or specific public outings. I'd be disingenuous for not giving the disclaimer that I consider those lightweight polyester-mesh (vented) type fisherman hats (albeit a larger brim,) superior for actual demanding labor in the heat.
The fisherman hats are definitely more practical. The cowboy hat is just a little more cultural, for applications that don’t require maximum practicality.
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN I got a good kick out of that last bit on the gaping soy face, 'in a non-threatening way', succintly put.
It's essentially the ubiquitous product of pervasive neutering of male expression and aggression. When you've been raised in a progressively gynocentric school system that constantly curbs boys' tapping into their inner Chad, you inevitably get shit like soy face, hover hand, and on the opposite extreme of the spectrum, rap and such. One could get profoundly poetic and 'meta' on how it ties into the state of masculinity as it's been degraded by modern society.
Alternatively, you call them a C U C K.
The Jews have set up a media culture where the only 2 options for male behavior is negro or tranny. Either zero testosterone, or Tyrone. No healthy male role models allowed.
In my humble lady opinion, I think glasses are just as, if not more attractive than no glasses. Having said that, and being a glasses wearer myself, I put contacts in when I want to make a good first-third impression. After that, they see me in glasses. If they have a problem with that, I don’t want anything to do with them.
This might be a strange notion I have, but I think glasses + long hair is a negative. However glasses + short hair or contacts + longer hair is acceptable? I just associate long hair + glasses with a certain degenerate hippie look. This is of course all just a generalization. Been thinking of growing out my hair a bit (medium length) and going with contacts as I think it may suit me better than fash cut + glasses.
I kind of agree with that. I think glasses lend themselves best to a clean, academic kind of look, and long hair often contrasts with that aesthetic.
Nerdy girls are ultra hot so I’m a fan of glasses on girls
I usually wear contacts myself
I hate tinder, why do I subject myself to this
@Deleted User you need a self rule like everytime you open the tinder app needs to be matched with you asking someone out in real life