Message from @Johnny B. Populus

Discord ID: 482772329974202370

2018-08-25 04:10:48 UTC  

These are all points that can be made (I personally have as well) in debates with others that are logical and don't trip any obvious warning signs

2018-08-25 04:11:10 UTC  

And quite frankly, they are some of the most realistic goals that we should strive for in the near future

2018-08-25 04:11:29 UTC  

Privately I think we have a lot more support than we'll ever get publicly

2018-08-25 04:12:18 UTC  

Look at Tucker. He talks about all the same issues as us then adds a little "It's about culture not race and I'm egalitarian" bit at the end

2018-08-25 04:12:31 UTC  

At the end of the day, when one understands the basic concept of Identitarianism being not a "Us vs Them" mantra and instead just an "Us" policy, it's hard to really argue against it

2018-08-25 04:14:31 UTC  

I've had many conversations about this before, with even those that are on the left side of the spectrum, and when you point out that there is nothing wrong with white people being concerned about the various issues that face us, like blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc, do, they really can't say "No they can't" unless they want to outright admit anti-white thinking, which is fun to throw at them "Well then who's the real racist now?"

2018-08-25 04:22:25 UTC  

That's never stopped them before. They just redefine racism to suit their agenda

2018-08-25 04:23:53 UTC  

Ironically, in some sense yes

2018-08-25 04:23:57 UTC  

Yes, but not in the Dinesh D'Souza way

2018-08-25 04:24:07 UTC  

~~But please for the sake of my reputation don't quote me on that~~

2018-08-25 04:25:02 UTC  


2018-08-25 04:26:08 UTC  

But yeah, when you're talking to other people about what you believe in, you've got to walk the tightrope in a sense. Go too light and you won't get your point across, but too heavy and then next thing you know you've got antifa knocking on your door

2018-08-25 04:27:48 UTC  

I tend to sound a lot like Tucker when I'm talking to ordinary republicans. Maybe a little extra emphasis of how demographics determine crime rates and voting patterns

2018-08-25 04:29:41 UTC  

Which is completely fine, as you can back those statements up with pure statistics.

2018-08-25 04:31:43 UTC  

There are many ways to argue for identitarianism

2018-08-25 04:31:52 UTC  

All roads lead to Rome

2018-08-25 04:36:50 UTC  

Me neither. Explain to me what Wilders syndrome is

2018-08-25 04:39:57 UTC  

Lol no. I'm no longer a shill for Israel

2018-08-25 04:41:29 UTC  

I've taken the red pill. Islam is our ally against Jewish terrorism, not the other way around

2018-08-25 04:41:35 UTC  

Jihad is a threat but not one bad enough to take on (((partners)))

2018-08-25 04:44:52 UTC  

Allies...only allies I need are good, honorable racial folk.

2018-08-25 04:46:50 UTC  

Volcano god?

2018-08-25 04:47:25 UTC  

I never got that meme

2018-08-25 04:55:19 UTC  

@Distracted I’m not sure all these Muslims who will soon rule over us via our own government feel that way about their (((donors))).

2018-08-25 04:55:55 UTC  


2018-08-25 05:08:36 UTC  

Yeah probably. My mind's thinking about the Holy Land. Over there Israel is the enemy for sure

2018-08-25 05:10:23 UTC  

@Bjorn - MD Apparently a theory that's gaining currency is that Yaweh was originally a Canaanite deity associated with metal smelting. That and volcanic like activity whenever He appeared to the Israelites as a pillar of fire

2018-08-25 06:20:33 UTC  

I ❤ Tucker.

2018-08-25 06:49:51 UTC  

Youtube reinstates IE's channel, but makes it impossible to share any of the videos. Super Jewy

2018-08-25 06:52:27 UTC  

Highly nervous about Syria lads. Bolton has fired up the warmongering engines

2018-08-25 06:52:57 UTC  

They want to know how viewers learn about our content. Google, Microsoft, Facebook, SnapChat had a meeting today at twitter HQ...I'm sure they didn't discuss anything they have in common. They are learning how to focus their censorship. Our future depends on word-of-mouth. We must start becoming vocal with friends.

2018-08-25 06:53:48 UTC  

Oh noes! A podcast episode discussing community service.

2018-08-25 06:54:16 UTC  

They're clearly intimidated by @Freiheit - CA's superb editing abilities.

2018-08-25 06:54:38 UTC  

>Who is this super man?

2018-08-25 06:54:56 UTC  

>his scissors must be dull

2018-08-25 06:55:09 UTC  

>find out who sharpens his scissors

2018-08-25 06:55:28 UTC  

>there must be a dumpster FULL of audio tape FIND IT

2018-08-25 07:02:15 UTC  

@Reinhard Wolff I think they want to know where our funding comes from for our elaborate demonstrations...aliens don't understand community in lands they occupy. It's as if our concerted efforts of seemingly random, seemingly spontaneous action is too much for them to comprehend.

2018-08-25 07:04:14 UTC  

I think they are bewildered by white people working together, for their *own* people, not everyone else and have no idea how to stop it...except censorship and deplatforming/defunding.
They are cowards that know their ideas won't win and the only way to stop us is to use dishonest tactics.

2018-08-25 07:06:28 UTC  

Yeah, it used to be easy to tempt us with sex and drugs and rock music...then something weird and unexpected happened that was outside of their powerhold. Organization is our strength, we bring order to systems, we bring order to chaos, before they can implement theirs.

2018-08-25 07:06:43 UTC  

We just have to will it.