Message from @MrBland - VA
Discord ID: 484311498915577857
They can keep the Heebs too.
And at the end of the day we can enforce borders on them simply by saying "stop smuggling your people here or we will gradually cut your water" The most cost effective option out there fam.
When do us Cali ni🅱🅱as get the evac?
You high agncy nibbas will figure it out and get out independently when the time is right. See you in Texas for our wall building party.
Wish alot of us could get out of California, some of us,no matter how bad we want to,still have to stay here another 8yrs,then we can move out,but not before then...
Sucks,but that's reality
@celticflame Cali in 8 yrs.
Thanks alot,lol
Ooohhhh me sooo lucky tiawannna😂🤣
So I'm sitting down reading an article in dem Tagesspiegel about the Chemnitz Protests and whomst should I see quoted? Pic related.
Of coarse AJC
tl;dr they're complaining they were chanting Nazi slogans and doing Hitler salute and the cops didn't do anything. It "alarms them very much," and there must not be "another Rostock-Lichthagen, Mölln or Sollingen.
Or in other words, anything the Germans do to defend their Identity is a threat to the Jews. This is why the JQ is a thing. They see it as against their interests that we protect ours.
My German doesn’t come in handy often but today it did 😏
Also everything I saw showed that it was one drunk homeless dude throwing up a Roman salute and spouting off some scheiß and every media outlet latched onto it
Like yeah, I’m sure this greasy SOB is the voice of the movement, sure
Of course. Like one brand new creasy Swastika flag at Cville 2 = OMG Nazi rally. Reality doesn't matter to them, only the propaganda line.
Be great if we could stop having announcements at times most normal people are sleeping. Gonna have to mute the server
I was reading earlier in this thread talk about "why fascism". I'm not a big intellectual but when I look at Chili, Germany, Italy, where I see the US going, I see fascism as a tool used by those that love their country to "save the sinking boat". When dissidents have worked there way deep into the body of a once healthy nation it takes drastic authoritarian action to heal the nation.
Hmm. Are discussions of fascism really ideal topics for this server?
@hbutzer0511 This InfoWars video about the Afrikaners is good; too bad they couldn't put it out before they lost their YouTube channel with 2.4 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS... 😑
Never mind. The narrative's crap. They just justified the rise of the ANC to power with the excesses of apartheid, and said flat-out that the problem in South Africa isn't racism; it's just "another communist takeover."
Gotta give normies that out. God forbid brown people have agency or anything.
Solid vid from Moly, though:
@Sam Anderson Yeah...
Even with him, though, the property rights-centric, ermagerg, blegs'll starve" narrative is still omnipresent,
...but hey, whatever gets the job done, I guess.
Oh, for f#ck sake, he just found a way to lace the "nazis" into his monologue.
Gotta reach the lowest common denominator, I guess.
Good morning, gents
Fact: when white people are strong, the planet cools; when we are weak, the planet heats. Science bruh.
Do 96% of scientists agree to this?
96% of scientists agree to this.
Great! That's the only meteric that matters for climate science.
What was temperature 20,000 years ago or 20,000,000 years ago? The only thing that is relevant is that is is within a range the we can prosper in.
Real question hours:
Were the Empire the good guys, and the rebels the bad guys?
The First Order were the best iteration of the Law and Order of the Empire. Theocratic Monarchy Intergalactic gang gang.