Message from @⚡Clark⚡
Discord ID: 487230804704100363
Deeep state war is real lol
Check out @Breaking911’s Tweet: Post fireside tunes
Rubio is the epitome of the hollow nothingmaster. More than JEB(!). Jeb(!) at least has some interesting internal mechanisms going on. Such as, what leads a 6'3" Yankee royal, practically guaranteed power, to choose such a wife?
Little Marco <:sad:366743316475281408>
Man, he definitely made hay at the hearing today:
I was dying laughing at this
What an absolute unit
look at what i saw on the University of Utah campus today:
"Latinx?" Is that one of those later-generation Pokemon?
Alex Jones is my spirit animal
Alex Jones has never lost an IRL fight. As soon as he touches your shoulder, it's game over. First Cenk, now Little Marco. He has the hand of Bane. Prove me wrong.
Nice shoes @Grayson
Good morning Children of the Sunshine.
Alex jones IRL confrontations are 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
Nike's STILL doubling down...
We expect a non white future and are trying to prevent it. They are expecting a non white future aswell but instead side with it.
Good Morning, ladies and gents.
@Fox Morning!
@Bjorn - MD I see the sports ball sandal shop is at it again.
It's funny that Latinx are against white, European Identity while they named themselves after a European group.
"Latin" isn't really a coherent identity. In the Old World, it was understood to pertain specifically to European speakers of romance languages, but in the New World, it's racially non-specific.
>tfw where target audience is more likely to steal than purchase your product
At one point Latin was a coherent ethnically European Identity and the Latins were a European tribe with no connection to the new world. So the term itself really doesn't describe the majority Amerindian peoples of Central America.
Agreed, but as is the case with "American," we're dealing with a previously unambiguous term around which there are now attempts to muddy the waters, and unfortunately, with regard to the term "Latin," said process is already far more advanced.
Looks like Trump needs to drain more of the swamp:
So do you guys think that Nike will see a decline in sales, or a rise?
they are banking on the non white shekels. they'll be fine
they know (as we do) that America will be non white in short time.
that will be their customer base so they are pandering to them early and often
Thanks @Asatru Artist - MD. I'll delete my un-archived post
TFW you're late to a 9 am meeting because a morbidly obese african american had health problems severe enough to stop in the middle of the highway and call an ambulance
I think I can safely assume it was a heart attack or hyperglycemia