Message from @Attrition in the desert
Discord ID: 489229598316429324
American Nationalist is the best descriptor. Untaintable
New member orientation here?
imo "nationalism" was a dirty word before trump got in
I wish white nationalist hadn't been subverted
That is my question as well. I hope I am in the correct place!
@Matthew Eagle You’re in the wrong voice chat
Where do we go?
voice chat pledge hall
Ooga booga bois
Pfft, it still is. Most moderate Right-Wingers will retreat fast if they are faced with the term.
"Sup pledgies, and welcome to Hell Week! You really think your bad enough to run with Identity Evropa? You ain't shit, and we're going to make sure you know it. For your first pledge task, you're going to need a copy of *Why We Fight*, and a bottle of hot sauce." - Patrick Casey, right now in Pledge Hall
Iota epsilon brah!
"we need felony convictions" WOAH THERE
Polk's march when?
Just kidding, we have enough desert.
The virgin mexicans vs the chad construction larpers
"palatable to autists" -- Patrick Casey mentions my demographic. ;)
There you go! @Attrition in the desert
Going out in the streets is great until the box breaks
Electricians rise up
gamers rise up*
Weebs rise up
Doctors in IE? We are winning.
Huge membership first, secured families and finances second, placed politicians third, THEN the streets.
Class war is a spook
Virgin Richard Spencer vs Chad Patrick Casey
Community clean-ups don't need approval right?
Most of spencer's flaws are easily explained from his wealthy upbringing.
Should be in pdfs
I'll look again
Landed elite gang don't rise up
HR cat lady pls don't rise up
Praise be to graphic designers.