Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 497896151757094933
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN Found it. It was DT JR.
no more liberal Kritarchy!!
Collins supporting Kavanaugh is a ballsy move.
I might support her 2020 campaign.
too bad its probably the only good thing she will ever do in her career
at least she didnt fold like that dumb alaskin women
who got strong armed by feinstein in the hallway
look at that hand....its like a goblin hand...
she can probably hold a basketball in that hand
You can see the fear and meekness of the other woman. <:nervous:359009898115104770>
Sunday's gonna be fun to watch...
@Shwa Feinstein is a Chad.
@Deleted User you think she ever gets called "Feisty Feinstein"?
"Two suspects were quickly arrested; a **32-year-old man and a 47-year-old man** were taken into custody."
I hope that her daughter is okay. The tolerant left at it again.
It's only a matter of time before the left kills someone. I can't believe it hasn't happened already.
Who is The Other Woman
I believe.
or should I say #IBelieve ? 🤔
The overreaction is real
The thing that eats away at my soul is that I was raised to be a good, kind, gentle person. I WANT to believe women when they say they’ve been victims of some horrible crime. But I’m also so aware how sexual assault allegations are now a common weapon used against anyone even slightly right of center
I wonder when "Trump Derangement Syndrome" will be added to the DSM-5?
Well they went there folks. They went full retard
I guess the left forgets this...
What did he MEAN by that?!
Not sure, but I don't remember him being anti-white, anti-American or anything like the current Democrats are.
At least back then...
A couple dozen Generation Identity members just occupied the offices of one of those Mediterranean NGOs