Message from @Wood-Ape - OK/MN

Discord ID: 505833831819902976

2018-10-27 19:19:58 UTC  

If "The Convict Report" and "Wang show" are reliable

2018-10-27 19:20:28 UTC  

@Selma very trad.


2018-10-27 19:20:47 UTC  

I just burst out laughing at tradsomy23

2018-10-27 19:20:49 UTC  

Thank you

2018-10-27 19:21:03 UTC  

I'm gonna go back to reading these papers for my thesis

2018-10-27 19:21:09 UTC  

'cause I don't want to see any more of this shit

2018-10-27 19:21:21 UTC  

Sorry, Mr. Saloson.

2018-10-27 19:21:22 UTC  

sorry mate!

2018-10-27 19:21:31 UTC  

I'm going full JonTron

2018-10-27 19:21:53 UTC  

Enjoy reading those papers for your thesis.

2018-10-27 19:23:40 UTC  

Being able to put youtube videos from your phone onto a big TV is amazing. I am a 30 y.o. boomer, being able to watch red ice in the living room is novel to me

2018-10-27 19:25:09 UTC  

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN with no cords!

2018-10-27 19:25:23 UTC  

@VinceChaos it's nice

2018-10-27 19:25:26 UTC  

>native guy has a partially white kid
really that woman could have had a bunch of fully white kids instead. would have been much better off.

2018-10-27 19:27:43 UTC  

@Koba Better off for us, yes and her, but depending on how flush with cash his tribe is, those kids will have legal ethnic monetary assets. Not defending the choice, but I have heard of Amerindians down here boast of their gibs, if the guy is otherwise decent, that can add to the financial security that attracts a woman. /blackpill

2018-10-27 19:30:01 UTC  

Just saying that as long as affirmative action programs exist, non-whites have an edge over whites in dating due to reduced educational expenses for themselves and potential offspring

2018-10-27 19:54:40 UTC  

those tribes are shit tier bro

2018-10-27 19:55:02 UTC  

95% of those people dont get a cent & the federal & state govts give them way too much leeway.

2018-10-27 19:58:19 UTC  

anyone here have any good tips on how to clean out a front loading washer gasket? the thing reeks of mold. Ive gotten most of the stuff I can, but theres a lot of filth under the gasket/seal. Can I just pull it off? It appears to be heat sealed or glued onto the washer.

2018-10-27 20:01:01 UTC  

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN the natives I knew would spend their tribe check on alcohol and drugs. Any “leg up” they had was wasted within a week. It wasn’t even a small check it was at least a grand every couple months.

2018-10-27 20:03:03 UTC  

@Koba Hmm, interesting, I know several people in the 1/4 to 1/16 rage (1/16 is often cut off mark) who did get sizeable scholarships. Then againtgeir majority white ancestry probably helped.

And the people in the dating market I refer to are of course not race realists who would understand HBD.

2018-10-27 20:03:37 UTC  

no one should go to college

2018-10-27 20:03:51 UTC  

its supporting a subversive anti white institution. just pumps more cash into it.

2018-10-27 20:04:00 UTC  

@Nerv - VA Full bloods up north in Dakota and Montana are often mire in poverty and alcoholism. It is possible I have a different view based on wealthier OK tribes.

2018-10-27 20:04:28 UTC  

@Koba I don't disagree. But a STEM degree is still worth getting

2018-10-27 20:04:38 UTC  

The only ones I knew were from Arizona.

2018-10-27 20:04:39 UTC  

only an engineering one

2018-10-27 20:05:23 UTC  

IT/CS is mostly a waste of time. Physics is definitely a waste of time. Mathematics Im not really sure what you can do with & youd probably need grad school: so thats also a waste of time because youll probably be roped into the academic research racket.

2018-10-27 20:06:54 UTC

2018-10-27 20:07:10 UTC  

Ive been listening on and off to Alex Jones today. He got pretty much destroyed by Jewish organizations and is even on their hate lists. It’s weird to see someone who has gone through all that be so pro Jewish and pro Israel. It must be some kind of Stockholm syndrome.

2018-10-27 20:15:21 UTC  

@Nerv - VA A malevolent party can force compliance through either carrots or sticks, or in Jones' case, likely both.

2018-10-27 20:17:35 UTC  

Yea he’s saying he’s going to do one of those Israel trips after the election.

2018-10-27 20:19:28 UTC  

Obviously Optics grows in importance today

2018-10-27 20:32:16 UTC  

Wasn't that 9/11? (Seriously...not joking. All things considered: The World Trade Center was essentially a monument to globalist financial control. Bringing that place down hurt the Jewish community more than anything else ever in the U.S., and still holds true today)

2018-10-27 20:35:35 UTC  

A CS degree is not a waste of time, and a mathematics or physics degree can be used to get into IT/engineering. I have a friend with a BS in mathematics who has a pretty damn good job as an IT consultant

2018-10-27 20:36:41 UTC  

Though I do worry the quality of STEM degrees are rapidly declining with the big push to flood the market with them

2018-10-27 20:38:24 UTC  

@Phillip Wiglesworth - FL Yes numerically that is likely true, but they'd never say that because they like to pretend the correlation with banking isn't true.

2018-10-27 20:41:02 UTC  

Even in death toll, it can't be denied that such a place as the WTC - with all its law firm, financial sector, and other tenants of the building having a very large number of them likely Jewish. Which incontrovertibly refutes the ADL's statement today.

2018-10-27 20:42:08 UTC  

("death toll" being the measuring stick they apparently used in that statement. Their words, not mine)

2018-10-27 20:45:29 UTC  

@Phillip Wiglesworth - FL *"A total of 2,071 occupants of the World Trade Center died on September 11, among the 2,749 victims of the WTC attacks. According to an article in the October 11, 2001, Wall Street Journal, roughly 1,700 people had listed the religion of a person missing in the WTC attacks; approximately 10% were Jewish. A later article, in the September 5, 2002, Jewish Week, stated, “based on the list of names, biographical information compiled by The New York Times, and information from records at the Medical Examiner’s Office, there were at least 400 victims either confirmed or strongly believed to be Jewish.” This would be approximately 15% of the total victims of the WTC attacks."*