Message from @micbwilli
Discord ID: 507708230558941206
But that Colonel Sanders-looking gentleman is a bit unnecessary, though humorous.
John O = John + O = John O
Yeah homie, what of it
is this a kabbalist ritual, @V.Balboa - PA
We're dealt this this before!
pls delet
and purely
just making sure everyone is on the same page
It's sad when you can tell someone is British even if you cover the entire 50% top of their face; the wrong kind of British, that is.
I despise that you forced my brain to read that in his voice.
I didn't consent.
@Selma What's your name a reference to?
So apparently Zimbabwe just discovered a mass of untapped oil larger than Saudi Arabia. I bet the world wishes it was still Rhodesian run.
@micbwilli China doesn't.
because China _is_ the world
ChiCom gang gang
China is a different world.
China is actually an alien space station on Earth.
We are their moonbase.
Trump's trolling antifa in Columbia, MO
I can't get enough of his campaign speeches.
quick poll IM AWSOME !
This poll is akin to those that said Hillary would win.
but I'm Awesome So Based and Redpilled
@NateDahl76 - a demon in Shin Megami Tensei, and I believe it's an angel or the voice of god or something?
I really like the name.
I could never get into SMT. Just not a fan of first person and SRPG.
Hey, different strokes but that game is incredible, specifically the music.
You could certainly still appreciate the music of it.
@Selma The second member that is a ME/PA hybrid, interesting.
@Selma You can answer, then, which state truly invented the Whoopie Pie confection?
Whoopie Pies arent that good.