Message from @V.Balboa - PA
Discord ID: 507705483730354207
@Axel You will get the posters once I meet you in person, and not a moment before.
@Papa Pizzagate Sorry if you took that wrong. Wasn't complaining or anything.
No worries my friend. I'm sure you'll make it out to something soon!
@Papa Pizzagate Absolutely. Looking forward to it
@Axel so your still in your pledge period
@Papa Pizzagate looks like the dumbocrats
Are the real rasist
I think you mean demonrats
@V.Balboa - PA No, I'm a full member from what I see
really bouta finna write up an activism proposal
Ben Garrison makes some hilarious comics.
But that Colonel Sanders-looking gentleman is a bit unnecessary, though humorous.
John O = John + O = John O
Yeah homie, what of it
is this a kabbalist ritual, @V.Balboa - PA
We're dealt this this before!
pls delet
and purely
It's sad when you can tell someone is British even if you cover the entire 50% top of their face; the wrong kind of British, that is.
I despise that you forced my brain to read that in his voice.
I didn't consent.
@Selma What's your name a reference to?
So apparently Zimbabwe just discovered a mass of untapped oil larger than Saudi Arabia. I bet the world wishes it was still Rhodesian run.
@micbwilli China doesn't.
I don't consider China as part of the world...
because China _is_ the world
ChiCom gang gang
China is a different world.
China is actually an alien space station on Earth.
We are their moonbase.
Trump's trolling antifa in Columbia, MO
I can't get enough of his campaign speeches.
quick poll IM AWSOME !
This poll is akin to those that said Hillary would win.