Message from @DairyMaxx

Discord ID: 508742181234933761

2018-11-04 20:32:11 UTC  

BPD is toxic.

2018-11-04 20:32:13 UTC  

But it would be useful for literally any person at all.

2018-11-04 20:32:14 UTC  

Meditation is emptying your mind. Class is filling it.

2018-11-04 20:32:26 UTC  

@ThisIsChris Same with piano lessons... I take them more for the encouragement/accountability than anything else

2018-11-04 20:32:30 UTC  

Fill your mind with emptiness.

2018-11-04 20:32:58 UTC  

@Lawrence - TX that's a nice wheel, yeah that's the idea with the headspace app and the meditation classes I did. It was more "mindfullness" than just meditation

2018-11-04 20:33:25 UTC  

Which one is better, yoga or meditation

2018-11-04 20:33:29 UTC  

Don't say both

2018-11-04 20:33:45 UTC  


2018-11-04 20:33:51 UTC  


2018-11-04 20:34:36 UTC  

Yoga can be a form of meditation, not mutually exclusive

2018-11-04 20:34:58 UTC  

Meditation can refer to so many things the term is almost useless

2018-11-04 20:35:14 UTC  

Maybe I'll find a youtube video to do yoga

2018-11-04 20:35:21 UTC  

I feel like I need to stretch anyway

2018-11-04 20:35:34 UTC  

@Sherlock meditation you can do almost anywhere, I feel like Yoga is a specific type of meditation that needs a mat and stuff. But yoga is good so if that gets you to meditate then yeah that is good

2018-11-04 20:36:15 UTC  

@DairyMaxx why do you say that

2018-11-04 20:36:22 UTC  

Yoga just sounds more fun haha

2018-11-04 20:36:32 UTC  

@Sherlock it is!

2018-11-04 20:37:11 UTC  

@ThisIsChris because I spent a long time looking into different meditation techniques and they all do different things.

2018-11-04 20:39:39 UTC  

Sure, but they all have the same goal though, right? It's like exercise, many ways to do it but 90% of it is about getting you moving

2018-11-04 20:39:47 UTC  

Not really

2018-11-04 20:40:06 UTC  

I can't meditate. My mind has two speeds: 100% and sleep.

2018-11-04 20:40:15 UTC  

I have made peace with it

2018-11-04 20:40:33 UTC  

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN haha sounds like you'd benefit from it then.

2018-11-04 20:40:43 UTC  
2018-11-04 20:43:22 UTC  

This poor gentleman's story is heartbreaking.

2018-11-04 20:43:22 UTC  


Well I am off for a bit. Family and I are going to practice marksmanship. (delete that if that breaks the weapon rule).

2018-11-04 20:45:25 UTC  

Have fun

2018-11-04 20:45:37 UTC  

If memory serves in times of old the Kings of England required archery practice for all men after worship on sundays -very Evropa

2018-11-04 20:45:57 UTC  

that's cool

2018-11-04 20:46:16 UTC  

They say a flock of sheep led by a lion will overcome a pride of lions led by a sheep.

2018-11-04 20:46:49 UTC  

Just like how after activism and revelry on saturday we have practice mma on sundays

2018-11-04 20:48:25 UTC  

Archeologists can tell the difference between a longbowman and someone who is not very easily

2018-11-04 20:48:56 UTC  

A ton of practice was required to become proficient, and that creates anatomical differences

2018-11-04 20:49:23 UTC  

Yeah their backs and arms were enormously strong

2018-11-04 20:50:15 UTC  

Look up Garry Chynn on youtube, prolific archer that has a video specifically on this subject

2018-11-04 20:50:24 UTC  

Also he may be an incarnation of Odin

2018-11-04 20:50:32 UTC  

Watching his video right now 😂

2018-11-04 20:52:23 UTC  

Speaking of Varg if anyone's free Thursday nights and would like to be part of a virtual myfarog campaign dm me

2018-11-04 20:53:33 UTC  

We should have a board game meet up