Message from @Papa Pizzagate
Discord ID: 510556876253954059
Attorneys are supposed to sign saying that their litigation is not for some improper purpose such as to harass, and that they think its based on fact and law, or that the law should be modified
Yeah I know what you mean though @Alexander Pechorin we went through 2 HR people before finding a normal one
@Axel Ian is fine
@ThisIsChris ours has been a revolving door. Finally doing okay now. We split up the powers between three people and none of them know everything fully
That's smart.
Problem is the more they end up knowing, the more incentive they have to press us with some frivolous complaint
Division of power
@Axel I am coordinator Ian. I lost the login to my old email.
He lives!
@Papa Pizzagate Nice 😂
I want to get your opinion on this @Papa Pizzagate; how do you avoid echo chambers when reading up on recent events in the news? What sources do you read/ listen to?
Honestly I'm pretty active on twitter and consume alot of news clips that people cut up on there.
I'm far from free of an echo chamber.
I just listen to what (at least I consider) smart people think about situations and then draw my own conclusions.
I also consume very little political media beyond twitter interaction.
History/comedy podcasts +ebooks
I used to watch a lot of tv news stations and what I tried to do was take everything they said, regardless of their opinions, and get the straight facts out of it. This was years before social media really took off. I feel like nowadays this isn’t as reliable since many outlets are okay with spreading unverified information or outright lying
Thank god for the Internet, even though it’s not perfect
read alot of the stuff from American Sun or Social matter
I honestly consume very little political media on the day-to-day, it would probably behoove me to tune in a bit more, in fact.
Okies have landed at DtR!
Is anyone going to amren this spring?
Interesting political development. I don't care about the House so much but we need as many senators so we can get SCOTUS judges
yeah it sucks how I get majority of my news through a platform that I’m banned from
I’m not even allowed a feed
I tried creating an account just to follow smart people and they banned me for that
I have an idea
We should use the fact that I'm a child of immigrants to our advantage
Kind of like this, except I'm the based black guy
Here's another example
This could be really good propaganda
"A Son of Democrats Makes the Case Against Democrat Ideas"
Could be effective
Oh by the way I made some fixes to Mercury yesterday, it's a lot nicer to use now
What a clown world we live in , having to make a case against open borders like it's something controversial.
I don't necessarily need to write an entire book (for now) but I would definitely find ways to incorporate my family history into my immigration talking points