Message from @ThisIsChris

Discord ID: 510860526197145610

2018-11-10 16:36:30 UTC  

I'm going to start keeping bees soon

2018-11-10 16:36:42 UTC  

Greetings identitberrians.

2018-11-10 16:37:34 UTC  

@Selma I'm the same way, I game when I'm not feeling very socialable. That and multiplayer games get really boring fast

2018-11-10 16:38:09 UTC  

🅱ello my 🅱e🅱🅱ow i🅱e🅱🅱b🅰b:ia🅱s

2018-11-10 16:38:36 UTC  

@NateDahl76 I know, but i thought I would just have it because I signed on for the closed beta

2018-11-10 16:46:35 UTC

2018-11-10 16:46:43 UTC  

First snow fam

2018-11-10 16:47:20 UTC  

Yeah, I am either a social butterfly and not gaming or staying indoors and gaming.

2018-11-10 16:49:17 UTC  

@Virgil I'm at the park in short shorts rn

2018-11-10 16:49:23 UTC  

I'll play Counter-Strike still but it's only occasional and out of habit. Don't even enjoy it. EU IV on the other hand...

2018-11-10 16:49:39 UTC  

Stay jealous, winter nerds

2018-11-10 16:52:08 UTC  

My northern spirit needs the cold

2018-11-10 16:52:11 UTC  

imagine alligators existing lmao

2018-11-10 16:52:14 UTC  

oh wait I dont have to.

2018-11-10 16:52:31 UTC  

I still like CSGO, i’m OK at it and it’s fun when you’ve got a full squad of friends

2018-11-10 16:52:34 UTC  

@John O - Me too, this is the best kind weather for short shorts.

2018-11-10 16:52:49 UTC  


2018-11-10 16:52:56 UTC  

There are two ways the body uses to increase the metabolic rate and produce heat: one is through the muscles and shivering, the other is through the activation of brown fat.

Brown fat is a metabolically active form of adipose (fat) tissue. The majority of fat tissue in adults is white adipose tissue, which is relatively metabolically inactive. Until recently, it was thought that only infants and children carry substantial amounts of brown fat, but it’s been discovered that adults have it as well.(1) Cold exposure activates brown fat.

2018-11-10 16:53:37 UTC  

cold wins

2018-11-10 16:54:45 UTC  

protect steve king

2018-11-10 16:59:31 UTC  

Based Brown fat

2018-11-10 16:59:46 UTC  

@Virgil You by Erie?

2018-11-10 17:00:11 UTC  

I have no idea how you got that much snow if you aren't by the lakes

2018-11-10 17:00:21 UTC  

I am in mid mi and I didn't even get that much

2018-11-10 17:02:18 UTC  

Based Laura Lohengramm

2018-11-10 17:06:33 UTC  

@ThisIsChris that’s ripped from TD lmao

2018-11-10 17:06:47 UTC  

Talking heads really are anons

2018-11-10 17:06:54 UTC  

What an era

2018-11-10 17:07:30 UTC  

@Sam Southern - TN haha yeah, that's great. There really is a pipeline that pushes messages up.

2018-11-10 17:07:37 UTC  

Psycho killer, fa fa far far far, better, run run run ruuunnn awaaaaayyyy! Oh oh

2018-11-10 17:13:42 UTC  

@Trashboat No lol, it's just a random pic from google images

2018-11-10 17:17:14 UTC  

You see a lot of fat whites in Florida. In fact I saw an entire fat family today. Fat mom, fat son and fat daughter

2018-11-10 17:17:52 UTC  

It’s definitely a thing with the poor

2018-11-10 17:18:58 UTC  

Obesity has really robbed the working classes of a lot of dignity

2018-11-10 17:19:07 UTC  


2018-11-10 17:20:11 UTC  

Make fat shaming great again

2018-11-10 17:24:26 UTC  

Yeah, in West Virginia almost everybody is obese. But to be fair when you're poor and unhealthy food is easily available and affordable, it can be a tough temptation to fight.

2018-11-10 17:25:18 UTC  

Especially if both parents have to work.

2018-11-10 17:25:32 UTC  

Which is generally the case for most families; lower and middle class.

2018-11-10 17:26:38 UTC  

I also blame the vapid consumer culture. Fiscal responsibility is possible on a single family income if you can plan ahead and not be suckered into buying every shiny new thing you see