Message from @Jacob

Discord ID: 511035316782497795

2018-11-11 04:28:27 UTC  

@Jacob Good luck, whatever you decide.

2018-11-11 04:28:31 UTC  


2018-11-11 04:28:52 UTC  

the sense of belonging that was common to every human being in the world until this last century being taken away is an extremely large contributing factor to the mental illness and loneliness afflicting everyone imo

2018-11-11 04:28:59 UTC  

I want to move to Poland and help the movement from there. Don't worry, I'll still send money to IE. I'll even come do activism if I'm still allowed to.

2018-11-11 04:29:26 UTC  

You can be the first IE ambassador to Poland

2018-11-11 04:29:26 UTC  

Definitely. In more tribal places with extended families, there are almost no reports of depression. I forget where I read this.

2018-11-11 04:29:28 UTC  

@ophiuchus This is actually a relevant point.

2018-11-11 04:29:43 UTC  

There actually was an IE member who did what I just described

2018-11-11 04:29:52 UTC  

@Rabbidsith Not temporarily forgotten, never known and no impact. Let's agree to disagree here, we're not going to convince eachother at this point

2018-11-11 04:29:55 UTC  

Actually, there's two IE members who moved back to Poland that I can think of

2018-11-11 04:30:06 UTC  

It's weirdly common

2018-11-11 04:30:12 UTC  

@Virgil Never known? Bullshit. Then how do I know of him?

2018-11-11 04:30:16 UTC  

Both I met through my state chapter

2018-11-11 04:30:24 UTC  

So I wouldn't be surprised if there's more

2018-11-11 04:30:33 UTC  

@Virgil That's absolutely hilarious. He was temporarily forgotten.

2018-11-11 04:30:40 UTC  

Both of them were second generation Polish and moved back

2018-11-11 04:30:41 UTC  

It makes me sad to think of good Americans leaving.

2018-11-11 04:30:48 UTC  

@Virgil Same as archimedes for most of Europe.

2018-11-11 04:31:04 UTC  

do you speak polish @Jacob

2018-11-11 04:31:38 UTC  

@Selma I get that. It makes me sad to think of people who Eastern Europe needs leaving. I don't consider my family's history something to brag about, I think it's sad.

2018-11-11 04:31:54 UTC  

@Natasha - PA Yes. And Russian kind of

2018-11-11 04:32:01 UTC  


2018-11-11 04:32:04 UTC  

Slavic languages are really hard

2018-11-11 04:32:05 UTC  

@Virgil The works of leif erikson gives us valuable insight into both the character of our people and how early norse colonies functioned.

2018-11-11 04:32:11 UTC  

Oh, it is completely understandable what motive you'd have to move there; no judgement there. It's just a bit poignant to me.

2018-11-11 04:32:13 UTC  

from the perspective of a first language germanic speaker

2018-11-11 04:32:16 UTC  

@ophiuchus Russian is easier than Polish

2018-11-11 04:32:26 UTC  

Polish pronunciation is cursed

2018-11-11 04:32:32 UTC  

Czech even worse

2018-11-11 04:32:49 UTC  

South slavic language seem the simplest in that regard

2018-11-11 04:33:07 UTC  

@Jacob I wish I spoke more Polish, my grandmother taught me a little and I've been trying to teach myself.

2018-11-11 04:33:11 UTC  

Bulgarian is allegedly the easiest slavic language for a native English speaker to learn

2018-11-11 04:33:15 UTC  

eh I think Russian pronunciation might be harder than Polish pronunciation, it's just that Americans think they have a license to mispronounce Russian since it doesn't have all the diacritics and stuff that Polish has

2018-11-11 04:33:37 UTC  

@Virgil See, that's something I think is sad. That people end up uprooted from their families.

2018-11-11 04:33:54 UTC  

Americans routinely butcher the pronunciation of Spanish, which has one of the simplest phonologies of any commonly learned language

2018-11-11 04:34:10 UTC  

@Jacob that I can agree with. I barley know any of my cousins

2018-11-11 04:34:12 UTC  

Yes, it's strange that people don't first learn how to properly pronounce languages.

2018-11-11 04:34:16 UTC  

@ophiuchus Once you get it down, I think Polish pronounciation is easier than English

2018-11-11 04:34:18 UTC  

For some reason, they never teach people that the vowels in english =/= the vowels in other languages

2018-11-11 04:34:19 UTC  

I butcher Spanish on principle, not because I can't pronounce it

2018-11-11 04:34:30 UTC  

Yeah there's someone in my chapter whos family seems to move back and forth by generation