Message from @Rabbidsith
Discord ID: 511215335773306883
@fgtveassassin it is the top article on their home page
DS just went down I think. It was working a minute ago now I’m getting 502 too.
@Nerv - VA hopefully he doesn't talk about us more
Stormer is radioactive. Don't care how much they try to clean up their act, that ship has sailed and sunk long, long ago. If they wanna help us, they should delete the website.
Yeah I'd rather they not write about us at all, especially considering the optics Anglin advocates for at his meetups (face masks and AKs). Funny site, that I enjoy reading but definitely appeals to the self indulgent extremists we try to keep far away from us.
Good morning, Identity Evropa! Defend the Rockies has been phenomenal and it only gets more intense today.
Based coffee shop chairs. 👌
It's pretty funny how the DS clls the sigeposters bad optics and then IE calls DS bad optics. Its like an optics tier system.
@Asatru Artist - MD Looks like that weird effect when the sun is directly overhead on the equator
Anyone see this?
Not bad
Not sure I can come together with random people who happen to have an American birth certificate rather than people like you guys to celebrate Veterans Day
@VinceChaos you’re not alone
Always good to be reminded
Anyone know Crenshaw’s politics besides running GOP? Anyone with an eyepatch needs to be /our guy/
Happy veterans day to all of the vets here.
Consider sending a care package to people overseas. They really do make a difference.
Can I send a care package to troops at the border...?
The uso was awesome to me before and on deployment.
Imagine being *that* cucked.
@Josh M. -OH thanks for your service
@Josh M. -OH Indeed. Thanks for your service.
Thanks for the support.
@VinceChaos in regards to Dan Crenshaw’s politics...
<:sad:366743316475281408> indeed
Ugh how do you leave Afghanistan and not even see a redpill
and then he woke up from his dream and said "Damn it! Why can't I distinguish fantasy from reality?"
“You fricken stupid idiot”
What are you 12 years old
@VinceChaos in his defense he did lose an eye, so...
He has another tweet where he thinks Trump doesn't respect the military
I hope he learned something useful privately @Grossly Incandescent
Imagine being Shaun King, or anyone who tweets stuff like that, you have to sit there and type all that out without cringing into a black hole and send it without violently throwing up afterwards
fortnite dancing is big gay
@Rabbidsith The tweet is an obvious fiction, but if it were true, wouldn't it only prove that "näzís" only make up like 00.01% of the population and that anti-fäcists make up 99.99%?
@Rabbidsith bluepilled