Message from @_AltRight_Anew -AZ
Discord ID: 520661158701563915
Go off King
@Papa Pizzagate they literally have signs that say stop king trump
Snap a photo and dm
They are literally using our ironic rhetoric from the Ren Faire
If they take a knee for the Moors cut down by the Kings Guard, I'm suing.
I wish Trump were a King. Much more glorious. Think about the tales we tell our children. Nobody wants to read a story about the President, the First Lady and Congress. Kings and Queens and Princesses, that's what we read our kids because that's glorious.
Random server admin take for the day.
if Trump were a king maybe he'd actually get something done
apparently, Sargon lost his Patreon
Ridiculous that they're able to financially oppress people like this
Should be illegal to destroy someone's income without warning, at the very least
Damn poor James. Surprised he lasted that long.
"The IHRA, in its guidelines for the definition of anti-Semitism, lists “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor,” as well as “applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.” It also lists “accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations” as a form of anti-Semitism."
Sargon got kicked off, hopefully he learns a lesson from this
@Sam Southern - TN kicked off of what?
oh nvm lmao
its like 3 posts up
Allsup lost his patreon awhile ago. His media patron remains “under review”
@MrBland - VA It reads as if a woke person wrote it as a troll
Voyageurs were some of the greatest Europeans
I'm chewing ice right now don't tell Casey
going to need to take your badge
How is everyone's day? I presented a parks proposal to a mayor. I think my delivery was somewhat autistic and stacatto but I think he liked the idea
@Steve - NY I believe that is exactly what it is.
It does a nice job of pointing out the core hypocrisy and poison, in my opinion.
Pagophagics, or colloquially "phags"
And for the person that has to listen to the ice "phag"...
@Asatru Artist - MD that feel..
I was discussing an idea I had with a buddy of mine who recently gotten vetted by IE. I mentioned trying to set up an event where we pass out some hot meals or even frozen turkeys to poor white people in the neighborhoods devastated by opiates. While passing out food we could also red pill them on the (((Group of people )))behind The opioid epidemic. Even if Antifa or any other left-wing organization shows up to try and protest, Think of how bad the optics would look on their part by counter signaling us helping poor people. If anyone is interested let me know.
Just don't say Jews. Say the companies