Message from @MrBland - VA
Discord ID: 520676576497500181
Sargon got kicked off, hopefully he learns a lesson from this
@Sam Southern - TN kicked off of what?
oh nvm lmao
James who?
its like 3 posts up
Allsup lost his patreon awhile ago. His media patron remains “under review”
@MrBland - VA It reads as if a woke person wrote it as a troll
Voyageurs were some of the greatest Europeans
I'm chewing ice right now don't tell Casey
going to need to take your badge
How is everyone's day? I presented a parks proposal to a mayor. I think my delivery was somewhat autistic and stacatto but I think he liked the idea
@Steve - NY I believe that is exactly what it is.
Pagophagics, or colloquially "phags"
And for the person that has to listen to the ice "phag"...
@Asatru Artist - MD that feel..
I was discussing an idea I had with a buddy of mine who recently gotten vetted by IE. I mentioned trying to set up an event where we pass out some hot meals or even frozen turkeys to poor white people in the neighborhoods devastated by opiates. While passing out food we could also red pill them on the (((Group of people )))behind The opioid epidemic. Even if Antifa or any other left-wing organization shows up to try and protest, Think of how bad the optics would look on their part by counter signaling us helping poor people. If anyone is interested let me know.
Just don't say Jews. Say the companies
Yeah, let them figure out "who" on their own.
Say the CEO maybe. JQ usually only takes if discovered semi independently
Ask your state coordinator
@Asatru Artist - MD I legit have misophonia
@Sam Anderson Same. <:sad:366743316475281408>
New campaign: Mariah Carrey's "All I Want for Christmas (Is You)" should be banned because it obviously promotes human trafficking.
Sam Anderson is a Sam + A Anderson = Sam Anderson
Yep. Anderson Swede gang rise up.
y'all notice how the left seem to suffer from BPD?
@Goose Among other things.
seems like we have a mental health crisis in the country that needs to be quarantined
Imagine all the scientific insight that could be gained if research funding bodies weren't leftist. Not just racial stuff either.
we would already have families on mars
Of course but even low level sociological answers like: "why do lesbians beat eachother up all of the time?"