Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 534825055113183232
I had a guy try to argue with me that people should wear masks while putting up It's Okay To Be White posters
Imagine some dude walking around in a ski mask at 1 AM through the neighborhood. That sounds like a really quick way to get the cops called on you.
Dude if you don't literally wear an invisibility cloak every time you go outside, ((((((((((they)))))))))) will teleport your entire family to the Moon.
This was disgusting
What gives me hope is that when I was these kids age, even later, I said a lot of things that we'd see as leftist brainwashing
and I still ended up here
Called and left a message!
I hope one of the parents at least has enough brains to realise this indoctrination and complain
@StevePines -WA my guess is it's a majority (if not entirely) black school
Kid was white though
our tax dollars go towards a education system promoting hatred towards whites
@StevePines -WA was he?
Wait maybe not I thought I read that somewhere
Might have misread
this is kind of interesting
Wacky statistics
@Jacob It seems like the Meds win again lol! And the slavs
Eastern Europe... also pepe smoking meme
because 45% is insanely high
not wanting to be foreign to your own grandkids should be, like, a *really basic* belief
Russia people smoking meme because they are looking at Western europe
The North African stats are interesting
I was against race mixing before I was against immigration
pretty long before, too
it was really easy for me to accept that a family should have something in common
I’ve always been against it, when I was younger I couldn’t explain it.
ya even when I was a kid I had a natural inclination against it
but that was more of a personal preference thing than actually thinking it's harmful
@godric I think the 202 number answerer thought he was done with us. He was surprised when I called.
When you call it wouldn't be bad to say something like "thank you sir!" In a cheerful tone. A little sugar helps the pill go down that the staffer's boss did a bad and staffers actually do matter. They are like mini representatives and they all talk outside of work.
I would never let my daughter or son race mix
well, ya, but you're an IE member
I was polite to him and made it clear my issue was not with him. I want chipper about it though, that's hard to do on your work break lol
that's a pretty popular opinion here
Is the registration fee mail-to direction on the LOPF 2019 channel pdf invite still accurate?