Message from @Kingfish

Discord ID: 536423642108657664

2019-01-20 04:58:24 UTC  

There’s a mayor on the Serbian-Hungarian border that has ordered horseback guards to patrol the fences 24-7, he just formed a new political party as well that broke off from Jobbik

2019-01-20 05:25:05 UTC  

@Goldendawn What's the name of this new party?

2019-01-20 05:26:04 UTC  

@Hakujin - CA Mi Hazank (our home) they have 4 MPs who abandoned Jobbik

2019-01-20 05:38:33 UTC  

Love me some Mike.

2019-01-20 05:50:53 UTC  

I agree with the first two paragraphs, but the only people who should fear RS are those still trying to keep the "alt right" label alive

2019-01-20 05:51:01 UTC  

ugh wut

2019-01-20 05:53:08 UTC  

Clearly the strategy of "let's make them fear us" and attempting to portray oneself as a villain has not worked

2019-01-20 05:53:37 UTC  

Not to mention that Spencer is quickly losing any and all creditbility

2019-01-20 05:54:00 UTC  

Only thing I would change is how that last sentence is written. Replace “fear”. But the message is there.

2019-01-20 05:55:02 UTC  

"Let's make them fear us"

2019-01-20 05:55:04 UTC  

LMAO okay

2019-01-20 05:55:05 UTC  

What message? That Richard is going to lead us to the promised land through fear? The entire tweet hinges on the concept of "fear." It's clearly the conclusion following the beginning of the tweet

2019-01-20 05:55:21 UTC  

If we rewrite those last two sentences, it’ll be a message most of us will back

2019-01-20 05:55:33 UTC  

The people who still follow Spencer deeply on twitter are kinda nutso

2019-01-20 05:55:35 UTC  


2019-01-20 05:55:40 UTC  

I get what you’re saying @Lawrence - TX

2019-01-20 05:55:54 UTC  

I YouTubed Spencer recently, it's not good.

2019-01-20 05:55:58 UTC  

the only person fearing Richard Spencer is his ex wife

2019-01-20 05:56:00 UTC  

Let's not forget that Spencer openly stated his intention to destroy our organization

2019-01-20 05:56:02 UTC  

and not even her anymore

2019-01-20 05:56:03 UTC  

They see Spencer as like a literal God who will save the white race in 4 years time as president

2019-01-20 05:56:54 UTC  

@Lawrence - TX that fact notwithstanding.

2019-01-20 05:57:44 UTC  

Someone in here somedays a go said "Duginist War Wives". Cracked a rib laughing at that.

2019-01-20 05:58:26 UTC  

Cracked a rib RBG style

2019-01-20 05:58:42 UTC  

“On the basis of sex” aka “movie of the year” 🙄🤢🤮

2019-01-20 06:03:03 UTC  

I just rewatched that trailer because she had a weird accent and one thing she says is "We're not allowed to work in mines" lmao what woman wants to work in mines, let alone what man
Edit: She has an accent because a British girl plays her, really breaking the immersion of this being an American woman coming from nothing to SCOTUS

2019-01-20 06:05:46 UTC  

Also was a box office failure according to wiki, 20 mil budget, 14.7 mil box office

2019-01-20 06:11:12 UTC  

Only the good ole country boys of WV (alma mater) work in dem mines

2019-01-20 06:14:49 UTC  

How did they spend 20 million? I assume it doesn't have any explosions or anything making a legal biography seems like it would be incredibly cheap to make.

2019-01-20 06:16:24 UTC  

Relatively well known actors, marketing

2019-01-20 06:17:14 UTC  

They probably employed oppressed people (LGBTQ+, POC, etc...) so they needed to pay them “prevailing wage” and then throw a markup on that to make it “equal opportunity”

2019-01-20 06:17:35 UTC  

You know, to make them equal to the “privilege”

2019-01-20 06:17:56 UTC  

@fgtveassassin what’s more fitting for a Brit to play a rootless cosmopolitan judge. It seems someone in the producers office didn’t pick up on subliminal message that someone doesn’t belong.

2019-01-20 06:18:49 UTC  

But will people talk about it?

2019-01-20 06:19:25 UTC  

The film was written by her nephew

2019-01-20 06:19:39 UTC  

Should have shot the film and kept it in a warehouse and then roll it out when she dies. Way better ticket sales.

2019-01-20 06:20:02 UTC  

That's using that noggin

2019-01-20 06:21:06 UTC  

That’s how you know it’s not about money.

2019-01-20 06:23:16 UTC  

That’s what happens when Harvey is out of the game 😂🤣

2019-01-20 07:50:02 UTC  
