Message from @Hakujin - CA
Discord ID: 536415854565523487
it's just protection not "amnesty" though isn't it?
I don’t know if they’re different or not
"Amnesty" would mean they can become citizens...or am I mistaken?
@OttoVonBismarck Amnesty implies legalization/citizenship. This only gives them protection from deportation for 3 years.
Thought so.
I just see it as another step towards them getting amnesty though.
I gotta stop being so hasty. After sitting down & watching/thinking about the recent "negotiation" Trump put forward....its not so bad. It's risky & is putting a lot on the block but, perhaps this will work.
Well I do hope that the Dems fold. My uncle won’t be getting paid soon
I've been w/Trump since the announcement of his running for the office; I guess it's my desire & passion for this nation & our people then having to wait with this political back/ gets under my huwyte skin.
A slight rhetorical flourish, but the fact that this report was filed by the Russian equivalent of Fox News is pretty impressive (Russia 24 is the most watched news network in the former Soviet Union):
My Dad also suffers in this shut down but he said that the sacrifice for national security is what is necessary.
You know, I've been thinking: there are organizations that'll pay people to get trained up as professional activists
And there're places that pay people to do street-level activism
How come GenZ isn't getting memed into those places?
Edit: _if_ you wanted a bunch of people who knew how to do activism stuff... it seems like the logical way to handle things
@OttoVonBismarck In comparison of the amount of illegals we would get with no protection and no wall, the numbers would be high...
With a wall and 3 years of protection, the amount of illegal immigration would be MUCH lower.
We can go from there and resolve the legal issues for deportation. I'm all for it.
Israel's wall reduced immigration to almost nothing. With a wall, our only problems then would be to purely focus on the legal aspects of them being here.
Hungary's immigration went down by over 90% in less than 3 years with a 'wall' as well, I put wall in quotes because their wall is basically a fence
There’s a mayor on the Serbian-Hungarian border that has ordered horseback guards to patrol the fences 24-7, he just formed a new political party as well that broke off from Jobbik
@Hakujin - CA Mi Hazank (our home) they have 4 MPs who abandoned Jobbik
Love me some Mike.
I agree with the first two paragraphs, but the only people who should fear RS are those still trying to keep the "alt right" label alive
ugh wut
Clearly the strategy of "let's make them fear us" and attempting to portray oneself as a villain has not worked
Not to mention that Spencer is quickly losing any and all creditbility
Only thing I would change is how that last sentence is written. Replace “fear”. But the message is there.
"Let's make them fear us"
LMAO okay
What message? That Richard is going to lead us to the promised land through fear? The entire tweet hinges on the concept of "fear." It's clearly the conclusion following the beginning of the tweet
If we rewrite those last two sentences, it’ll be a message most of us will back
The people who still follow Spencer deeply on twitter are kinda nutso
I get what you’re saying @Lawrence - TX
I YouTubed Spencer recently, it's not good.
the only person fearing Richard Spencer is his ex wife
Let's not forget that Spencer openly stated his intention to destroy our organization
and not even her anymore
They see Spencer as like a literal God who will save the white race in 4 years time as president