Message from @Eugene of Savoy
Discord ID: 537352640741244938
@Der Seeteufel - SD Just say she's a refugee lol
@VinceChaos I honestly believe it will red pill whites. The BLM riots turned every luke warm Republican into a patriot, with a little zest of PoC criticism.
Food stamp riots would be great
Problem is, they're not supposed to happen until March
and if Trump drags the government shutdown on that long, he'll look really bad
It could definitely be spun in the wrong direction, towards Trump if things get violent... which I hope does not happen.
I don't think the riots could really be spun effectively in the right direction
Most people will have a visceral reaction to people rioting and probably won't sympathize with them
My concern is just about him dragging on the shutdown that long
What Trump needs to do is use the food stamp deadline as an excuse to declare the emergency. Declare emergency - Start on wall - Reopen government. I'm not sure about the time line but I'm hoping that he can also start laying off Federal employees before the food stamp deadline.
Why can't we leave that poor parish alone. Go after the powerful congressmen and women who demanded their heads.
Just called the parish and left a disappointed voice mail. Come on guys, time to step up.
Poor parish? Siding with the fakenews against their own is shameful.
I called a few mins ago myself. Let's fill that voicemail to the brim.
@Johnny B. Populus -VT Agreed, the Catholic Church has incredible influence. In time we can appeal to the Government, but we have to start somewhere.
@Eugene of Savoy can't leave alone those who are complicit in the betrayal of their own people
I called both the Diocese bishop and the school principal the other day and left two voicemails and wrote two emails as well.
Sisters of Notre Dame Northern Kentucky also threw the kids under the bus.
(859) 291-2040
When I called, the sister said many are in agreement with the callers and transfered my call to leave a message.
Time to start shaming these "high and mighty" cowards
"Should we defend the weakest of our flock who were standing up for the principals of the faith we claim to stand for? Nah, let's throw them to the wolves to appease our enemies that will always hate us..."
It's not their fault. This is just going to discourage them and others from attending political rallies. Members of the media are the root cause.
"leaders" of faithful communites not defending their own are directly responsible for adding fuel to the fire
we'd never see a rabbi or imam do this
Should we be more critical of our leaders than our enemies?
always deal with traitors before enemies
doesn't mean you can't equally criticize them
called Covington
@Eugene of Savoy Being critical of our leaders is an appropriate way to let them know what we want. We're not taking legal action against them or trying to destroy them. It's implied that the Diocese can still be redeemed in the eyes of their people.
I hope every one of those fine young men join I.E.
@Redbird3000I agree entirely that we should do our best to influence the gov but this story has a great deal of momentum going our way & we cannot afford to misstep & let it pass.
@Volkmom They may indeed see all the support & look us up. I'm waiting to see "white nationalist group IE comes out in massive support of the Covington kids".
@Johnny B. Populus That's what I'm saying. It makes more sense to try to bring the Diocese to heel right now than the government.
although, not the WN part <:sad:366743316475281408> 😉
@Volkmom That term is a bit off putting but it is an accurate term & we all know that there will be no mention of us in the media without some "term" applied before the organization's name. It's better then "white supremacist" haha
I thought we could write them an open invitation along the lines of "this is the bs we're talking about" and "keep standing your ground against anti whites"
@Johnny B. Populus agreed
@Eugene of Savoy An open letter to the kids themselves or the diocese? I vote for official letterhead stationary etc. Let's make it official.
Interesting to see social psychologists scientifically studying why white Leftists are willing to die for random PoC they don't know
To all the next generation who lives this every day. That the kids should apply when they are old enough.