Message from @StormySeaShore
Discord ID: 548324784287514625
yeah sure but mixed company, vulgarity, etc.
It boosts t levels, makes you pursue real women, act more dominant
Yeah but talking about sexual content around the women isn't incredibly appropriate
Ugh, the sensitivity astounds me sometimes.
Dude I promise you I'm one of the least appropriate people here
maybe you should add him to... you know
I just don't post about it where it's a huge variety of ages and both men and women
We all know the alt rights target demographic and how the fun and humor was a major part of what brings people over. Its what we have over the left, fun and being right
IE isn't alt right.
Its a white nationalist organization? Thats basically the definition of alt right
1. Those tree tents look sick. 2. there's something oddly familiar about their logo
We're identitarian
Yes, white identitarian
You gotta have rhinstones on yer suit
I’m alt right when I’m drunk @Andrew-KY
@⚡Clark⚡ lmao I have not drank at all in a couple weeks and my buddies are like “Sam where are your rants?”
Saving the rants for the BnB
@Andrew-KY Identitarianism and white nationalism are different things. “White Identitarian” isn’t a term we use, and Identitarian philosophy is not just white nationalism rebranded.
I don’t want to come off as rude, just informative.
Martin Sellner provides a great overview of identitarianism in his YouTube videos. The basics of the philosophy, however, are the ideas of “multi-level” identities (local, regional, national, racial), and the idea of ethnopluralism.
It’s important that we aren’t just rebranded white nationalists
We have to live a new philosophy, and believe in what we’re espousing
That's probably the best and most concise video right there
@Agree&Amplify - GA preach it brother
Ship of Fools, Tucker's book paints a pretty clear direction of where our issues should lie and where we should be directing our actions
It’s up to us to determine what identitarianism will look like in the US, but the foundation of the philosophy has fortunately been laid for us by the European groups.
the teal accessories above are all tacky.
what exactly is "stripe" payment online?
@TIDE You're NO FUN! ;P
they're all just ugly lol
I'm sure the color could be incorporated tastefully
Just for that, I'm wearing my teal Yeezys
teal is a pretty gay color tbh
if it makes you feel better, we could call it "sea foam green"
or "aquamarine"
come to think of it most colors are gay