Message from @Sam Southern - TN
Discord ID: 397608582448807945
'My biggest concern here is that the goyim seem to know. The goyim knowing is a form of hate-thought.'
That basically read like an advertisement for us.
On fb, there's over 500 shares of the banner. Not shares of the article, just shares of someone's photo of it on a personal page. We have our local leftists just freaking out. Almost no mention of the memorial. They're not angry anymore, they're just scared.
>Posting the banner "is still a long way from standing up and saying 'this is me and this is what I believe,'" she said. "If this is the way you’re going to live your life, come out. Let's talk."
Just wait sweaty 😘
See that? A banner and a memorial got us all this attention. There's a lot of bigger chapters out there that do very little activism. There's so much attention waiting for you out there, all you have to do is grasp it!
Honestly, the way I see the left reacting (not just to orange hitler, but more and more to us), along with their high rates of anxiety and depression, I wouldn't be surprised if there are mass suicides this year. I monitor these people, some of them are in a really bad place and just getting worse.
3 Atlanta antifa suicided last year as our progress became unstoppable
There are precedents
yeah, I remember you saying that now. were they all people of trans?
I know two were
The third maybe
Honestly, likely
that's almost worse. 'is that a tranny?' 'can't tell.'
It's ugly. I know that.
one local one whose fb I monitor (already been arrested attacking us) posts violent and suicidal stuff.
I think the modern world causes a lot of anxiety in people. I think that some of the people in the hard left are feeling that more than anyone.
modernity and urban living and shit jobs warp their minds.
Antifa, in my experience, are overwhelmingly poor, psychologically unstable, and undereducated. Couch surfing non washing soup kitchen folk that have parental conflicts. I know they say those things about us. I guess they're just projecting. In general, they're overwhelmingly lazy, but couch that by saying they don't want to participate in a system that they don't believe in.
not celebrating but....called it
I read a few tweets, sounds like a suicide. they're dancing around it.
Looks like opioids could be in play
Could be a simple OD
She’d “discussed attempting suicide” as well
And they’re also positing her boyfriend killer her for some reason
Maybe carl was cucked one too many times
>He went to kill her and a black guy had broken into her house and was currently killing her
Cucked again
MSM showing us that fairness we’ve come to love them for.
"Twitter was where Giampa, a Papa John’s employee and an anime enthusiast, " <:nervous:359009898115104770> <:nervous:359009898115104770> <:nervous:359009898115104770>
*He Read Siege*
Parents with hyphenated last names
@Anthony Sealy - MO all that you said about antifa sounds about right & they glory in it. except shittons of them come from bourgeois subcultures. there are the semiprofessional anarchists ones but then there are the oones that are just a step above the gutter-punk fourloko/glue/heroin/maingy dog crowd who pretty much consider that to be a grand statement about the degeneracy of western civilization by, idk, going full degen
@ThisIsChris my goodness "the warning signs ... the alt-right slogans"
>private high school for students with special needs
a/k/a a spergatory
how special
i think this is another casualty of autism not of right wing
also wtf on the chick that @Joe-MN linked calling herself a 'survivor of cville nazis' ffs these fuckin people
**+++ opsec detail +++ while I pray to god none of us winds up in the media for something like this, and if you plan to, GET FUCKED, please note this ---**
*While his Twitter account is under a pseudonym, Huffpost found that the email address associated with @doctorpepper35 is also linked to Giampa’s Facebook profile. In July, @doctorpepper35 wrote to a Twitter user with a name that matched the one Giampa’s girlfriend used on Instagram. The user @doctorpepper35 also referred to Virginia as “my state” in a tweet. *
might be a good idea to rename 'project siege'.
Most people will not understand the siege reference
true, but some will. Others will read stories like the above. Are we that tied to the name?
I have a confession to make, I don't get the siege references