Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 428270185774841860
I think "No"
Yeah it's not a bright idea under any circumstances
I know many of us love firearms, but the (((commies))) didnt change the psyche of America by weaponposting
Don't mean to be a Grammer policeman, but that detail was important
I fully agree with IE's ban on weaponposting.
anyone who seriously discusses violent action needs to be chased away and wholly shunned
Let’s push it over the edge
Petition to allow Lauren southern and Brittany Pettibone to come over and chill out in the Jacuzzi with me.
Petition to fly me out to @Deleted User ‘s house.
Petition to fly me out to @Deleted User 's house as well
I'm coming only if there's a sauna involved 😎
@Matthias it's only for British citizens hough
Oh oops
Well, we can still spread it at least.
Change IP address to England maybe?
Just change the settings on your VPN
If you're not using a VPN already, idk what you're doing
Petition to relocate all jacuzzi activities to my back yard, and add Rage After Storm and Lauren Rose
@Deleted User @Deleted User @NeoRealist ... I move for an IE conference to involve hot tubs henceforth.... and Brittany Pettibone and Lauren Southern should guest speak ...
In fact I’m making this happen.... I’m going rogue
Hot tub speeches>>
HTS**** for life
Tubside chats?
I like tubside^
There we go
@Reinhard Wolff Thank you for reiterating the zero tolerance policy. If ever the threat of violence is voiced, I fully expect that concern to be reported by any and all members involved. This should be taken seriously for sake of people's safety, law and country, the organization, other members involvement, and legitimacy of the movement. Don't think it's no big deal.
@FoxAndLion - SC As well, people can always tag @ Moderators
when something is concerning to them
I signed the petition. I uesd this postcode: LA22 9BU. It worked. Here are more LA19 5TF LA21 8DU CA12 5DQ
@Sherman Hardcastle - CA did you use your own email
or a fake one?
One I use for almost nothing.
ok i used my personal one. is that bad?
For the UK petition? probably not because is very huge pool
Maybe if you were a UK citizen