Message from @WilderBeast
Discord ID: 546056494593081357
Trust the plan. Qratrick
The damage control being done on that nursery’s page is amazing!
Y'all upvote my comment asking for a statement from the Nursery Management.
We're gonna get some real life results here!
@Valaska I'm betting that [REDACTED] is a relative and former employee of the owner.
Regardless, the business manager is attempting to defend the company while the owner sits quietly in the shadows.
With enough pressure, we'll get a public statement.
For those who don't know, this bill guts interior enforcement, amnesties anyone who sponsors a minor, and increases HB visas. It's probably a done deal but it can't hurt to call.
This is how the Trump presidency dies.
It's not over yet. Trump has to be seeing the horrible backlash this is getting.
Trump will have “second thoughts after further reviewing the bill” and will not sign it. Then will declare a national emergency.
i dont know much about this though
how much evidence was there?
he could be lying as damage control
thats possible too of course
I think it’s worth looking into further If possible.
One lady DMed me on FB that [REDACTED](the vile anti white) is the nephew of the Owner [REDACTED]. He is a former employee of the company, and was the one to give them their first FB review.
I'm going to cease further actions, while not retracting my statements. If a man hires a hateful shitlib, there should be consequences.
Please comment guys!
> “Let me be clear, while our campus is an open forum where individuals may express their views, the rhetoric used by these groups does not align with or reflect the University of Utah’s values,” U. president Ruth Watkins said in a statement.
TRANSLATION: We support free speech but not for white people who dare try to stop being ethnically cleansed in their own countries.
Yeah exactly: call Mrs Watkins on her crap! Post s comment or write a letter telling that she cannot pick and choose . The UofU came out in support of black lives matter, gay pride, pink hats feminist march, etc...
Oh and course this person is the expert mind reader who ‘knows’ the intentions are malicious:
> “These cowardly, faceless and non-university sanctioned tactics are designed to disrupt and frighten individuals and communities, and to garner attention for an insidious ideology that has no place on our campus or in our community,” she added.
Makes me sick to my stomach
We have beautiful pictures of the Utes tribes all over campus that read: Be Proud Of Who You Are! And Be Proud Of where you come from! So ... 🤔
From top to bottom of every single institution, the hate tribe is calling the shots and these administrators are just doing what they think they must to pls them. Congress just destroyed the First Amendment btw...
So what are we planning to do about this @everyone
Haha, they are not allowing any more comments on the Utah article @Grayson . You guys must have left some good comments
I think they were getting bombarded lol 😂 thanks for trying !!
Here’s my full rebuttal. Use it if you want. Change it as you see fit
Gimme a sec I have to paste in parts
“Our police did get a call, but by the time they got there, there was nobody there,” U. spokesman Chris Nelson said. “Regardless of the political message or any message, it’s just not appropriate to be up there. Had they been caught, they probably would have just been given a warning and asked not to do that again.”
> Definitely police worthy stuff here. Posing flyers. Let’s be real here. Had it been BLM or ANTIFA posting communist propaganda flyers about slaughtering white people, what would Chris Nelson say then? [crickets chirping?]. Sounds like Chris Nelson thinks ‘given a warning’ is not severe enough punishment to those evil white people [males?] who posted flyers. Also it sounds like Chris Nelson might believe that arresting people for posting flyers takes priority to letting police tend to matters more pressing to community safety - like robberies, burglaries, rape, murder
“Let me be clear, while our campus is an open forum where individuals may express their views, the rhetoric used by these groups does not align with or reflect the University of Utah’s values,” U. president Ruth Watkins said in a statement.
> Lol. This statement wins first prize for fitting contradictory, hypocrisy into the same sentence, paying lip service to the basic human free speech rights in the first part, while utterly destroying them in the second. Mind you, these are the words of the University President, not some naive college freshman writing a paper to satisfy the myopic, genocidal views of their Marxist professor.
“These cowardly, faceless and non-university sanctioned tactics are designed to disrupt and frighten individuals and communities, and to garner attention for an insidious ideology that has no place on our campus or in our community,” she added.
> Ummm.... Lol, again. Ok, aside from the unnecessary ridicule dog whistle fear tactics used by President Ruth Watkins to scare white students away from ever considering advocating for the future of their families and ancestors, let’s look again at the first part of President Ruth Watkins previous sentence where she states: “Let me be clear, while our campus is an open forum where individuals may express their views” but then says about views she doesn’t like “an insidious ideology that has no place on our campus or in our community”. OK, There is nothing ‘insidious’ about being white and advocating against the dispossession and ethnic cleansing of our people, the people who built this great country for a people who want to be free from the institutional tyranny and racism that Ruth Watkins clearly supports. Why doesn’t the blatantly lying Ruth Watkins just be honest about her own views which are “White people are evil, and do not have the right to free speech. It doesn’t matter if their ancestors fought and died to secure that God given right. White people are inherently evil, and just need to be silent as we phase them out of existence, because that is a ‘good thing’. Let me make myself clear to all white college students: Any white person caught trying to advocate for their own basic human rights will be severely punished.”
It wasn't long, however, before other activists rose to fight against Identity Evropa's recruiting tactics. The Salt Lake Activist Mobilization, a new coalition of community activists in the Salt Lake Valley, released a statement condemning the group’s message soon after.
> Ahah! of course... the ‘good guys’ showed up to the party ‘organize a coalition’ and ‘condemn’ the ‘evil white people’ for their ‘tactics’ (posting flyers - what a criminal ‘tactic’). They even have a big official name ‘Salt Lake Activist Mobilization’, probably even funded by billionaire nation wrecker George Soros himself. And definitely ‘sanctioned’ by The Powers That Be - must silence all opposition to ending whiteness BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
“Hatred for immigrants is not something we tolerate because they are part of our community,” the statement reads. “We are parents, children, siblings, environmentalists, citizens, and, yes, we are also immigrants. We are not afraid in this moment; rather, we are empowered.”
> Who said anything about ‘hatred for immigrants’? Stopping ethnic cleansing from endless, unfettered illegal immigration is not ‘hatred’. With that we can end by circling back to President Ruth Watkins’ misguided and totally false assumption about Identity Evropa’s intentions where she describes what more appropriately fits ANTIFA (to a T)
“These cowardly, faceless and non-university sanctioned tactics are designed to disrupt and frighten individuals and communities, and to garner attention for an insidious ideology that has no place on our campus or in our community” and ask WHO are the ones TRULY spreading the hatred
What we are seeing above is an example of a highly metastasized form of communism. 100 million people were slaughtered in the most horrific and brutal ways from communism just during the 20th centuries in Russia, Ukraine, Eastern Europe & China. These were all precluded by taking away free speech and guns.
Look up:
Gengrik Yagoda
Lazar Kaganovich
The Red Terror -Yakov Sverdlov
Eisenhower’s Death Camps
Firebombing of Dresden, Mannheim, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Berlin
Armenian Genocide
Communist colleges are not talking about this, but rather give it no focus. With Congress now actively destroying the 1st Amendment, it is going to happen again if we do not stop it.
Ok done ✅
A word of encouragement...
Brevity is nearly always the best way to communicate grand ideas.
Comments section is open lads
Let's call it what it is, Mormon Genocide, the Mormon State of Utah is being invaded by Non-Mormon foreigners and unless they flyer, they won't have a State.
They're being replaced.