Message from @Felden - CO
Discord ID: 443501403705573412
heck yeah bro @Aesion! good coverage
Does this count as activism?
Not sure, but it looks cool!
Breckenridge, Colorado.
Great work
All of these lately
@Brunswick @Matthias Feel free to use my picture for Twitter or anything else. The weather is getting really nice here, so I might organize a hike with my guys and get a better one taken soon, from the top of a mountain or something like that.
A friend of mine who isn't in IE but sympathizes with us had an idea that we take pictures like that across the country with different scenery and make a collage.
@Jacob I like the idea. A trend should start with IE members taking pictures like yours with the IE flag in cool places. Very nice aesthetic.
National and state parks with difficult-to-reach or very unique features often have a sign or something covered in dozens (or more) of stickers. Could be neat to mix some IE ones in with those of the name brands and breweries.
Otherwise, good old Main Street, sweeping natural backdrops, and traditional Euro-American/manifest destiny sort of photo montages definitely work.
To clarify, credit goes to @BigBadSaxon - ID for taking the picture. I'm the guy in it.
I got some jimmies rustled on reddit.
Good work!
Sorry for not having an appropriate number of photos 😭
New York University (New York, NY)
Quality shots @Jason - CT
Well done! @Jason - CT
Glad you got to use the posters so quickly!
Big thanks to tbrown49, couldn't have done it without him.
Very good pictures, too. This guy is a new member btw.
Thanks. There were some others that didn't come out so well.
Wyoming is ours!
@Roland Awesome job!
Great work guys!
I love these poster drops.
Great work! @Roland
Little Italy/University Circle, Cleveland, OH