Message from @Tesna1999
Discord ID: 464192992614547458
Greensboro, NC
@LetzterSohnDesAbendlandes @Roland @hbutzer0511 @Tesna1999 @The Huwhyte Ulf - VA great work to you all!
Looking good.
Just a heads up, I'll be focusing on posting the July 4th content first then I will post the flyerings tomorrow and on Friday.
San Diego, CA
Great job brothers!
Some fine patriots greeted us / supported our drop!
Nice !
@DeusVolk Best pic I have seen in a looooong time.💪
@DeusVolk so that truck driving by was completely unexpected?... if so that is awesome
@DeusVolk that is awesome bro!
For banners we should sow a pocket along the bottom and fill it with sand so that it holds itself down
Can’t do that over a highway fellas
That would be utterly disastrous if that fell
If it falls with sand it won’t blow all over the road and over peoples cars