Message from @Asatru Artist - MD
Discord ID: 509099869525508106
Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve been got
D is for dummycrat!
@Kingfish The lies of the Democrats reveal a Leftist pathology that is beyond belief.
Then a kid screamed R FOR REGRESSIVE
this is the guy who memorized John Oliver skits and recites them
D for degenerate?
It’s hysterical
A nice thing is that these lefties don't have any opsec because they've never had to practice it. People on our side will be well aware to never promote these people.
And yet there are millions of Whites who kowtow to the Leftist Establishment simply because they are afraid of the disorder that will follow from the war against the Left. They are right to be afraid, but they are wrong to knuckle under.
afraid of the left that is. we only bring peaceful cultural change
The definition of courage is fortitude in the face of fear. If you're waiting for the lack of fear before taking action, then you will wait forever.
Absolutely, #JobsNotMobs captures it perfectly, we want to lead cultural change towards prosperity and the left only controls people through fear
No waaaaay
Fuggin governors
Fivethirtyeight suspects as many as 9 governorships could flip blue.
Speaking of gun laws...
Have y'all seen the (armed) Black Panthers with signs shilling for the black lady running for GA governor that will take those firearms away from them if elected? <:really:453005408064241674>
Yes, but we’ve deleted the picture a few times
Notice I didn't post the pics...?
I understand the rules.
No worries man lol
Oh look, the tribe is finally pushing for Israel style policies in OUR country: 👌🏻
Fivethirtyeight is exclusively cope posting
Nate Silver has failed at math
Nevermind. Democrats now have the plurality in Florida. God help us all.
White people in Florida and Georgia see this as a policy and justice decision. Blacks see it as a racial decision. Just look at Twitter during the governor debates.
No surprise there.
2020 win without Florida or Georgia would need the ENTIRE Midwest and Rust belt (except IL). Yes, even Somalified MN and Wisconsin, and Ohio and Michigan which were already hairs breadth.
Lose FL and GA but fail to take MN and it's over
New Hampshire and Maine are also targets to flip red, NH was lost by a hair last election
NH + ME together are still 2 less than MN
Trump should go to Maine and attack Democrats for importing Somalis.
That is why I can't wait to vote.
@Selma God speed
@Selma Do you think Janet Mills will win?