
Discord ID: 150618044903718912

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There are more vaccines given out today because there are more things we can vaccinate against

That's probably because you have a good immune system

There's a reason why the very young and old are recommended to take the flu shots

Because those are the most likely groups to become ill because their immune systems are weaker

What do you mean `Science is always wrong`

And what do you mean `It never solves a problem without creating 10 more`

No, I want you to show me how it's wrong and how it "creates problems more than it solves"

But if there were a sudden change in atmospheric density, wouldn't it be fairly obvious

I mean, if we can't get into space then how does satellite communication work?

What evidence would you need to show that satellites do in fact exist?

Modern cameras can do that?

Huh, I've always seen the ships disappear with modern cameras

It's the refraction causing the ship to still be viewable most likely

How about the good old sunset test

Somewhere where you have a decent unobstructed view of the sun as it sets and also a building at least a couple of stories high or just a decently tall hill

Watch the sun set from the lower position, climb to the top of whatever it is you're next to, and you should be able to see it set again

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean in the first one

And as for the second, what is an "angular resolution"

I want you to explain it to me

That's because the floor is blocking part of your FoV

Or ceiling


I'd post an image, but I'm not allowed to embed media


They showed him stuff and said, look, this almost works, but we need more money

With mock-ups

Yeah, they got them working

I have no doubts about any of that stuff

I only said sorta because they showed Hitler tech and stuff that they didn't get working

And that they didn't continue

So in a way it's kinda fake rocket tech

Because they were nowhere near accurate enough to hit anything close

Except for their own launch sites when they messed up

You calculate the range and required ballistic trajectory, then set the rocket to fire at a set inclination on a set bearing for the time it takes to burn the fuel and it'll land somewhere near London

Yeah, but only in the case of you throw enough of them towards the target and they'll hit it eventually

That's why there are things like flat Earthers and anti-vaxxers, because things get omitted and dumbed down to the point where it's easy to ignore it and come to your own conclusions

It's hard to understand complex things, that's why they're complex

Which turns people away

There is not a single model that answers all the criteria the globe does that a flat earther can produce

No *single* model will answer all that

You require multiple models

Just because some of the people who write/wrote articles for it are famous or writing in good faith, doesn't mean all are

Just like just because it is Einstein writing an article doesn't mean it should be taken as fact off the bat

People make mistakes, sometimes deliberately, so you have to ensure all of the content is correct

From what I've heard, not all of that article may be

What is it about satellites that makes you not think they exist?

Because for these balloons to work, they'd need to be tethered to the ground else they drift

But there are no tethers that I have ever seen anywhere

Yeah, it kinda is impossible

That's because of buoyancy

The balloon contains a gas less dense than air at the given altitude which produces a strong enough force that it counteracts gravity

Not all of it

Theory backed up with proof and experimentation that show it to be true

Theory that is shown to be true, ergo it is fact

Or do you want to keep sliding them goalposts

Oh, convenient that

Yes, it would seem so

How so

Elaborate, please

Gravity is the accepted scientific norm, therefore it is up to you to provide the burden of proof that it is not correct

Besides, I'll need to find the video but there was an experiment done on the so called vomit comet, the aircraft that is used to simulate very low gravity environments easily where they take a transparent box with some dirt in it up into the aircraft, then when the gravity weakens it floats upwards and goes from a loose collection of dirt to distinct clumps

Show me a single model that shows that to be true for all cases?

How so is the standard globe model easy to debunk?


And refraction over that distance and under those conditions is impossible to produce that image?

That isn't how refraction works

It would curve down

i.e. around the circumference of the Earth

I don't know

Maybe fisheye lense or some other trickery?

And Mick West is?

Nah, he claims that doesn't mean anything because if you use a modern camera you can see it from further away

Or was that someone else?

I mean, it's kinda hard to remember all the different explanations which don't answer all the questions in one go compared to just gravity which does...

We are all simulations of the hive-mind of k'Zarr?

Right, so no more international travel because you might be carrying a virus or the like? Because that's what I'm getting from your comment. Also, are you accepting that vaccines actually are beneficial, or am I interpreting your comment wrong and they're still some super-threat?

So that's why we keep vaccinating, even after a disease has gone from the region. It's a preventative measure

Or supporting other countries with vaccine programs

Lemme get this straight

A handful of incidents are worth suspending all vaccines and endangering thousands?

You see these stories *because* they are so rare

Not because vaccines are actually more harmful than good

That's like saying, oh, let's just get rid of seatbelts because some people still die or get injured in crashes despite wearing them, ignoring all the good they do

I looked through the links and headlines

Also, how come you get to go around swearing and insulting other members, but the resto of us get warned/banned?

Rules for thee but not for me?

Also, I count 51 news articles, not including YouTube vids

Probably missed some, skimmed through and only really counted non-video embeds

Can you please, for one minute, stop being so rude

So you can jump to conclusions saying I don't know anything then though?

How do you know I've not read these sort of articles before and yet still come to the conclusion that vaccines do vastly more good

What would, deciding that vaccines do vastly more good than any harm?

So you're allowed to go against the scientific consensus on vaccines, potentially harming thousands of people, yet *I'm* an issue?

Jesus Christ, have you never heard of herd immunity? And once again, the only reason you even see these sort of articles is *precisely because vaccines are so effective in 99% of cases*

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