
Discord ID: 150618044903718912

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It is highly unlikely to have negative side effects from vaccines

Oh really

Come on

You asked me for sources

I provided sources


Also, I made a mistake earlier, I said they were effective in 99% of cases, but meant they cause little/no harm in 99% of cases

I'm not gonna lie and say that most of them have anywhere near a 99% effectiveness, but they are markedly more effective than electing not to take vaccinations

Also, to further AstralSentient's point, we know Eratosthenes calculated the Earth's Circumference in 100BCE and was only 66km / 0.16% away from the currently accepted polar circumference

Oh, you brought up models of the flat Earth, wonderful

I just want to know how they manage to break physics

You know, having a light source projecting through the same fluid, yet not to the same distance

And that magical straight line down the middle that is the divider between day and night

No, post-approval use is after the vaccine has been approved for general use in the public. Regardless, these are effects that are merely noted after having received the vaccine, but the vaccine may not be the cause

Show me a single flat Earth model that works with everything we know to be true then

Ah, fair

Uh, I'm not sure actually

But I thought it was just a glorified calendar or was that something else

Ah, it was a Greek computer for predicting astrological events like eclipses, and the passage of time

For the Antikythera Mechanism, I assume it doesn't matter which model it was based off of because it deals with astrological events

Yeah, exactly

No-one sailed west because they didn't have the ability to sail west for long distances. Besides, there's evidence to show the Vikings actually discovered the Americas before Columbus

So it's perfectly fair for you to ban someone from this Discord because you disagree with them on one topic?

Power tripping much?

We had no maps of the world that were accurate for a very long time

There would be no point producing a map with half of which is unknown

A globe is just a map on a sphere

Once again, correlation ≠ causation

No, I don't think I am

The links I provided last night show that the link between autism and vaccines based on that study was incorrect

The NHS, WHO and CDC all state that the study was incorrect

He is not a credited scientist

He was struck off the register for lying about vaccines, stating they are bad

Based entirely on a flawed experiment and being unethical

They are based on a flawed experiment, so I would say that they themselves are flawed

Why should I, considering the fact the last few times I've cited studies and sources you've struck them down without reading them, yet complaining I do the same

The only person being intellectually dishonest is the person ignoring studies carried out by the NHS, WHO and CDC into the effects of vaccines

Also, for those slides:
Cutter Incident - you're using a 1950's vaccine as evidence modern vaccines are bad? Okay
2nd slide - Nothing about the changing definition of autism - https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/tarahaelle/2015/01/05/majority-of-autism-increase-due-to-diagnostic-changes-finds-new-study/amp/
3rd slide - Nobody has ever said vaccines are 100% safe. Trying to say such a think is a lie. However vaccines overwhelmingly do more good than bad

Can you please, for the love of God, stop being so rude to us

Because they were reported doesn't mean there was a link

Anyone can report side-effects, and it's likely that if the reported side effect is serious or at all in anyway possible to have been caused by a vaccine, then it must be listed

Once again though, no-one has ever claimed vaccines are 100% safe. To do so is to lie. Just because there is a tiny, miniscule chance that a vaccine may cause a side effect, that doesn't outweigh the good they do in preventing serious diseases from spreading, harming and even killing innocent people

Nah, screw that, you have no respect for us so I won't run around and try and help you for no real reason

Fine, you go find me sources that prove that vaccines do `a lot of harm`

Not just a few cases

Find me sources listing disproportionate amounts of harm done by modern vaccines compared to what they prevent against

Once again, I'm going to ask you to not be so rude

`Basic diet and hygiene will eradicate most of your concerns.` Really now? That'll stop you contracting Polio? Or Rabies? Or Rubella? Or Yellowfever? Basic diet and hygiene only goes so far in keep you healthy from internal and physical ailments. External ones are where you need vaccines to support our own immune system

`Once again, I'm going to ask you to not be so rude`

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