Discord ID: 484516084846952451
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No me first ๐
๐ **Joined** `Discussion Hall VC ๐` :page_facing_up: **And bound to** `discussion-hall`
๐ญ **Successfully disconnected**
๐ **Enabled!**
lol this song @[Ex-Mitch] 21.2.19
You may judge me.
hope you've been drinking/smoking when you endulge in this kinda "stuff"
Well you got some of that right.
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** ๐ `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNuGsjAr9aU`
**Playing** ๐ถ `Get to Sleep - White Noise for Insomnia` - Now!
Alright, @โงMike Flatbird (Mike Blackbird)โง has been warned because '**Posted an invite**'.
oh, i didnt know what that was lol
i just seen that "discord . gg" come into my server too -- moments ago
cray cray Smh..
lol though ..sorry CitZ lol -- wasnt intentially posting an invite x D
make me goldsteel
good god he puts those memes which a 3rd grade teacher could debunk
okay no, @Goldsteel not ALL LGBT people are like that
or attention seeking
only dueling scars are cool
i get you
i haven't really heard of those, since i live in india and you'd be socially ostracised for just being gay
so yeah it's pretty well straight here lol
you're from the UK right?
well, at least it isnt illigal ot have gay sex at least
i wonder how many more messages he will post in a row, currently 32
wow some of his stuff is just distasteful
and anti-Semitic
i just blocked it all
in a row
so. fucking. jobless.
the entire screen is blank since more then 50 block messages in a row
good god, discord really has opened my eyes into what cockshit people believe in
and i thought the whole FE thing was a joke lol
wonder if we will get to 100
wow i just blocked him
and it's so much cleaner
it's like ive cleaned my cupboard while sitting on my ass doing nothing lol
he's crossed 100 in all
79 uninterrupted
Out of ammo
oh fuck
he's come here too *insert wailing emoji*
I am disappointed, only 89 in a row
155 spam messages thpugh
@Human Sheeple I will be putting most of those in my aresenal if you don't mind my borrowing the material!
um 3/4ths if not all of these have been debunked.
look for more credible sources, if you want to change people's views about the earth!
@dumblebore ๐ Do you really believe that people would put themselves in the line of fire of persecution and endure much loss over something that has no merit in truth?
Go ahead @Deleted User
i hardly think the government is going to assassinate loony FEs for saying what they say. so the whole "line of fire" thing is a bit too extra.
one man's truth is another man's cock and bull
@dumblebore ๐ I am talking about people like you. Verbal fire can be just as destructive. Many, including myself have been abandoned by those that we love for even questioning the Main Stream narative of our Cosmology.
Truth is truth! Once you know, returning to a lie will never be an option!
It sucks that you've been abandoned by people you love
it's rather late here
@Goldsteel I would say tumblr is about as respresbtive of the average LGBT person as 4chan or 8chan is to the conservative
im going to be off to bed
Get a better timezone bumbledore
id rather not have daylight saving soz
Oof u win
Dang u good at this whole reading and comprehension thing
In my experience thus far in sharing the truth of our reality and the Flat Stationary Earth, those that think more of themselves than they ought are the most stubborn, abusive and hurtful ones to converse with. If the person you are conveying the truth to lives in a place where they inwardly narrate their intellectual supperiority to others, remain with the expectation to be ridiculed, demeaned, and dismissed.
I think this is true on both sides
Humbleness is a virture
Well for once Iโm on the flat earther sode
that continent doesnโt look real at all
pictures from space never look real
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