Happy Humble Hermit

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he's special

i daresay good sir that you are a tad overzealous in your opinion of your own intellect

lolz sodapoppin is body painting on twitch because the cucks allow the thots to paint their tits for the 9 year olds

@Sigma thanks for sharing about trp being quarantined, im making a video about it now

im using some alex jones clips in the video im working on rn, i hope youtube doesnt block it and put a strike on my channe;

lol @Kazemaru you're hopelessly naรฏve

Looks like the red pill subreddit is gone unless someone can find it

That's how i found mgtow when i was 19 i started there.

All those great discussions and tips just eradicated

Mgtow on reddit will be purged very soon within october most likely

I wonder if the top mgtow channels on YouTube will make it till the end of the year

People underestimate how much money is required to make a platform

Look at how bad the functionality is on gab or bitchute

But bitchute will be the trailblazer for a future peer to peer video platform

@Deleted User yeah all my links are in the descriptions of every video

What if we started like some fundraiser or something for a mgtow platform

I've been thinking about it but i just hesitate because i can't make the video platform myself i can only program for video games so it would be hiring some third party

I'll look into it this week and see what kind of developers i can get in contact with and then go from there.

@Shaunuss does he have a video player yet tho?

@Shaunuss thanks I'll reach out to him

Hey if anyone knows of a cheap laptop that can run sony vegas decently I'd appreciate any recommendations, looking to be able to render videos on the go

@Sam Amari yeah I've been really busy haven't been able to do a stream. I hang out in our server and the tfm server throughout the day


im literally making a lesson for tomorrow

thats why i havent been able to make a new video ive been so busy

but im aiming for online teaching my next internship next year will be online. can't falsely accuse me if i don't leave my house!


@Dango_chan yeah he's labeled a troll here too. from now on i'll try to filter guys like that out

the ban hammer hath been unleashed!

@The Tradesman i value my viewer's time and don't want to waste it with shitheads taking up the airwaves when real mgtow want to speak

@Flushtater he was censored for being a successful and competitive straight white male

@Sam Amari you think they bothered to look that up before censoring him?

A good equation to start

i cant handle this amount of titty

@shadowlessnexus omfg im stealing that and printing it out good job

@shadowlessnexus grammar tho, i want to put it in a video. **Countries, not country's, also ***notoriety

@shadowlessnexus you da best. would you like credit in the meme of the day clip and if so, what name would you like

Afternoon everyone. Just wanted to let you guys know that I am aware that I haven't uploaded in a couple days and haven't streamed in a while. School and work is getting busy but if you want to check out what I'm working on you can see some topics in the backlog channel. I'll also be on the tfm show this saturday if you want to chat with us there

@Denno tao de ching was incredibly valuable to my path and I'll definitely do a review of it

@extremeZ-TOWN yeah i really like the roundtable format. From now on every call in stream will close with a roundtable so we give men an opportunity to share one on one and in groups

@extremeZ-TOWN i was thinking the other day that when shit hits the fan all the mgtow channels can consolidate subs and create chapters of mgtow around the world to meet up and survive ๐ŸŒŽ

@ZODD no because I'm not going to be fighting for change or anything like that. I just want to live as a hermit. But in an apocalyptic scenario i would want to meet up with mgtow in the area to survive

@ZODD you're living it

rendering a new video then i think i'll stream for a bit

@Deleted User you can join the roundtable

I just saw venom it was fucking awesome!

@Sam Amari yeah I'm not celibate. I outlined my system in the video "my mgtow path" but a lot of guys in the community take offense to that and think if you're not monk you're not mgtow and can't talk about anything. Also a lot of guys stuck in that hateful phase simply can't get women and use their hate to justify it

Luckily I don't give a shit what some guys on the internet think of my mgtow path. The amount of introspection and thought I've put into my content is more than most of them will ever do in their lives and I know what's best for my life

Monk mode is the best form of mgtow. I've said that before and although I've only gone monk for about 8 months before, i think its very powerful when you're consciously doing it and not being forced to do it. Dropping plates and girlfriends and choosing solitude to focus on yourself is an incredible experience.

I tried nofap and couldn't make it past 7 days before my body forced it out. I'm sure i can do it now but i don't want to because the release helps me focus and get shit done. Everything in moderation

I have to go to work soon and i was taking a nap because I'm pulling a 12 hour shift to get some cash for the mgtow game but now im triggered so I'm working on a video about this ๐Ÿ˜…

@Mysteriedingens yeah its not directed at anyone here its a topic that gets brought up a lot and I've never addressed it

Its not a rule

There are no rules here i can't moderate the server I'm busy and you guys are grown ups lol. Its a topic that needs to be addressed and im not directing it at anyone.

No more drama. Guys who only conisder monks mgtow can go elsewhere. They have their minds set. Doesn't bar bar have a gf?

I'll address the monks in my next video. I like monks and i went monk mode briefly. But some guys are forced to go monk and there's a big difference with those guys

@Sam Amari you're not a snitch don't get worked up about it we're all just faceless avatars on the internet

This fucking discord today lol

Aight bros I'm off to a 12 hour shift, please don't burn the place down while I'm gone. Maybe a new video tomorrow and I'll be chilling with tfm tomorrow night. Grinding on the mgtow game, will show it soon. Peace โœŒ

@MeepMeepRonin i came across the mgtow planet channel the other day. Meh

got my whiskey ready for the tfm show and my stream afterwards. drunk streams back to back boyssss

@everyone Hey, I'm chilling with tfm and drinking whiskey tonight. If would like to hang out and talk to us, here's the link, and I'll be doing a stream on my channel after too. Drunk streams ftw! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BV92a1Ev_us

just broke 14k subs!


added some new characters to mugen for the stream

stream starting soon

haha wish i was there

@Mysteriedingens I'm new to it, the logo has another meaning beyond literal fishing

@KingCazzo just copy the link to the server and send it to someone
Link is in every description of every video

I use yify for movies

@machtyn thats nothing i have over 6 hours of calls saved that i havent uploaded lol

i just dont want to flood the channel with it. have to balance it with scripted content

@machtyn there's no standard for topics, i talk about anything. i only upload good conversations, and you can always call in multiple times for new topics and conversations

no stream, i have to be up early to teach tomorrow

@MufflePuff where do you watch wwe? I've always wanted to get into it

And i agree people need to accept that entertainment sucks ass nowadays and go to the past. A few good movies and games come out every year, in the meantime go through your backlog

Hey guys, i need some feedback. Why do subs not watch the call videos? Anything i could do to improve it?

@ZODD true but i usually don't break 500 viewers for streams. That leaves 13.5k other viewers lol

@MufflePuff maybe. People complained when i didn't have calls in the title because they only want to listen to my scripted content even tho i think some of the calls are just as good.

@Mysteriedingens should i cut the calls or have the full conversations for those who like it. Can't post both

@ZODD website gets no views or exposure its more of an archive

@Mysteriedingens so even if i made daily original scripted content people would get bombarded

I've only just started doing multiple calls yesterday because i have a lot of 5 min ones

But i just had an idea

3 formats within each stream: free calls, topic calls and roundtables

Very good idea @MufflePuff only thing is that the length of the video will go up... But for certain scripted videos i think it could work

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