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There are stats to suggest that men are better parents than single mothers are.

You can't send YouTube videos on here?

AI sex boys Don't really need sentience, that brings up other kinds of issues and they could simply end up doing what the average woman would do. So yeah, their thinking should be fairly limited in what it can do. Not to full human extent. We're ages away from that though, even limited general intelligence. Computer vision needs to go a long way as well.

Pakistan seems to have Blasphemy laws and other shit. Doesn't seem like people have that much religious freedom there.

Religion doesn't carry as much value unless it's really enforced. Bible takes about male authority but without a way to enforce it and that the government is willing to intervene in these matters, it can't really do as much.

But women in Islam get married to the man their Fathers pick and can't talk to men who they are not related to?

Not just Arabic countries, dude.

It's also the case with the other third world countries.

Same shit that happened to civilizations that got pussified.

Same can be Said about India in the past but now it's getting more and more into the feminist shit.

MEE6 is a bot.

No point in mentioning it for replies.

Attention probably, from a group of men who don't easily offer a woman attention.


That's assuming men would be given access to artificial wombs

Orwell is free on steam if anybody wants it.

Wait, MGTOW Indian is THE MGTOW Indian? like the YouTube guy?

Collapse is most likely going to be something like an economic collapse, I don't see MGTOW chapters forming in such an environment, it's most likely going to be something like Venezuela.

Like what some kind of a mad max style thing Lol?

We could draw parallels to the past but we don't live in the exact same environment as well did in the past.

That's the Chinese name for the art of war?

There is Zen and the art of motorcycle repair.

MGTOW is not feminism, it's not about changing anything, it's living life without want for female validation etc.,

Intellect, think of what women have invented vs. what men have invented.

Also, people have lives, just because people spend time discussing stuff about women or the system, doesn't mean that's all they do.

I don't see how that interferes with anything.

It doesn't get you female validation.

It's not that big of a priority in life anyways.

Women don't matter to you is part of what it is.

I mean not all of us are on a marriage strike or waiting to get back into a relationship if the system was okay.

I don't see how that is a common thing.

Take a country like mine, the marriage rates are up, birth rates are up, yet marriage as a thing isn't that great.

You stand to gain shit from a marriage in the current even in the absence of a system that backs women up, a woman's duties aren't the same the way it used to be in the past. Electricity and machines exist to do what women had to do manually.

People still get into relationships.

Can't really say if it's a general fear.

Yeah, kind of.

There are some guys who are like that, the majority I guess are just on a marriage strike.

Most of them would, given that they have options and that they have no negative consequences for doing so.

A lot of things are unnatural, doesn't mean they are bad. If you want a functional society or a family unit that is held together, you need something like a marriage.

Traditionalist societies with male authorities are still gynocentric.

All societies of the past pretty much.

All of them, not just the greeks. India used to be that way, rome used to be that way.

Because you still are disposable and still pandering to women, doing most of the shit work and getting crap in return.

An arrangement that benefits the woman more than the man is gynocentric.

I mean what do women offer than being able to have kids? Do they still need to be provided for even after that phase of utility?

Something that brings in net gain, money wise or utility wise.

Taking kids out of the equation there isn't much utility, most of what they can do has been simplified in the present.

You can be productive without a woman.

You have your friends for that.

If having kids was so bad and it was a negative thing, why do women have multiple kids? The body builds pain tolerance to handle labor and their bodies are designed to do so?

Well, people who have never had kids are much happier than the ones that do have kids, so what's the point? And women make horrible parents by themselves.

Look at how single mothers are vs. how single fathers are.

Which gender do you think is the more emotional and neurotic gender? Do you want them to raise the next generation?

How do you think society is now vs. how it used to be when the father figure had some value?

The pain isn't that much. Body build pain tolerance in a woman on the months leading up to labor.

Just another crap women tell themselves.

C sections exist as well.

Being upset doesn't change it.

The best they can do is switch to another platform.

Possibly some P2P platform, something that is decentralized, in the case that they come after platforms that are centralized that allow for this stuff in the name of hate speech.

Reasoning is much better than emotional thinking and being a requires you to do shit that is necessary even if it feels bad.

Yes, men can raise them alone. Women raise babies to being kids, after that point on from being a teen to an adult, they're better off with the father.

Things don't always get better.

They do quite a bit and that is sufficient, not sure if they don't do that much, I mean local anesthetics are giving for surgery even.

Do you think women don't over identify with their Emotions?

Corporatism is a thing, Absolute free market isn't something that can be true in every circumstance.

You are at least free to buy shit that you want.

Sucks but it is what it is.

Roosh V should probably just have his own store for his books.

I mean even if it's on Amazon, you still have to seek it out.

Men are polygamous, they don't swap out the wife for the mistress.

And you can't keep trading up when they is only so much you can afford, in fact men date down constantly because women with the monopoly on pussy drive the standards they have for the men they consider desirable.

Ones that seem fine don't have to be actually fine.

Women are conscious of what others would think of them if they do certain things, so they can mask that quite well.

So yeah, unless you know to read into, not let your biology cloud it, maybe.

Good luck finding your woman without cluster B personality traits.

TL;DR basically what comes with a woman in varying degrees.

If women truly were like that, societies wouldn't have needed to restrict women.

Her self interest and solipsism is what influences their indifference towards men and their spouses.

Not really the want for protection.

She doesn't love in the honey moon phase Lol.

Okay, what the fuck is this timeout bullshit?

Some does not mean a large portion.

Some simply means that exceptions exist but not in large numbers.

Dude, that's some naive bluepilled thinking. A lot of men have walked that path and have gotten burned, for how things are now, you're taking a pretty big of a risk.

You stand to gain nothing from a relationship and quite a lot to lose.

Losing the stuff you've earned, your kids etc.,

If you believe, so go ahead, sign up for a relationship or a marriage.

It's your life at the end of the day anyways.

Also my parents are still together and it doesn't take mommy issues to understand how women are.

The natural urge is to get into a relationship with a woman, in the current year, it isn't obvious but that's how it ends up being.

Could be fake though.

Well, often times it has been that way.

Why else do you think the marriage rates are low as they are?

Not just in one country but pretty much the West as a whole.

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