Message from @cµrvy
Discord ID: 468814542864908309
give me a link that proves your intelligence - internet 2018
Maybe you had too many cold showers
I Love that the Bot's Name is Chappie 😆
Do you guys think that all the cash in transit heists, mall robberies, increase in car thefts, police station burguralies has got anything to do with motivation to fund something bigger? It looks like history is repeating itself...
I just wondered if chappy can do more than just say Hello?
Aangename kennis @Emiel Thysse, welkom by **Willem Petzer Live Chat** 👨🏼🌾🎙️
@Chappy What else can you do?
m!weather Parys
w!weather Parys
damn I forgot the command
Ek gaan bietjie in die Afrikaanse voice Chat ingaan, enigiemand wat wil ontmoet is welkom!
@Willem Petzer Cool Willem
hierdie discord is die begin van 'n revolusie
Aangename kennis @muffintop, welkom by **Willem Petzer Live Chat** 👨🏼🌾🎙️
Ek het nie n clue wat hier aangaan nie🤔
@Emiel Thysse Hier gaan groot goed hier aan ou.
Well hier gaan nog groot goed aangaan 😉
Discord > Whatsapp...
@Emiel Thysse - Klomp ouens wat kak praat
@Arcade_Hustle is dit net soos die ou mixit?
Ok aangenaam almal.
@Emiel Thysse Ja behalwe kinders wat gemollie word
I have no Idea of What you are talking about 😯
aangenaam Emiel.
Almal toets net hoe Willimpie se nuwe Discord werk - Nou is dit net nog 'n app wat elke 2 sec BIEP.
@Emiel Thyss Ja behalwe kinders wat gemollie word lol