Message from @cµrvy
Discord ID: 468815262343495680
hierdie discord is die begin van 'n revolusie
ag fanx chappie
Aangename kennis @muffintop, welkom by **Willem Petzer Live Chat** 👨🏼🌾🎙️
Ek het nie n clue wat hier aangaan nie🤔
@Emiel Thysse Hier gaan groot goed hier aan ou.
Well hier gaan nog groot goed aangaan 😉
Discord > Whatsapp...
@Emiel Thysse - Klomp ouens wat kak praat
@Arcade_Hustle is dit net soos die ou mixit?
Ok aangenaam almal.
@Emiel Thysse Ja behalwe kinders wat gemollie word
I have no Idea of What you are talking about 😯
Almal toets net hoe Willimpie se nuwe Discord werk - Nou is dit net nog 'n app wat elke 2 sec BIEP.
@Emiel Thyss Ja behalwe kinders wat gemollie word lol
Emiel whatsapp is soos die ou mxit hierdie is meer soos Skype/Mirc
@JWille Hey bro, sorry, we should stick to english
Aangename kennis @(ง︡'-'︠)ง, welkom by **Willem Petzer Live Chat** 👨🏼🌾🎙️
Did anyone else watch the obama speech?
nah all his speeches are the same
I already did, just joking (af the 10th beep, I found the "Deafen" button
why i call him oblabla
It's Okay @Arcade_Hustle T least I managed ro pick Up 3 Words 😆
i did like the like/dislike ratio on that live stream
@Arcade_Hustle. Chappie is dan Afrikaans!
@JWille lol, sorry bro people flow in and out of Afrikaans, it's 50% English mixed these days anyway so just smile and nod lol
@Arcade_Hustle you a mod?
@Arcade_Hustle Absolutely not, I reject authoritarianism.
Then @Willem Petzer will have to get his Server rules up asap