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2017-09-07 10:57:56 UTC


2017-09-07 11:07:54 UTC

@๏ผณ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ… ๏ผฃ ๏ผต ๏ผฎ ๏ผด#1599 did you block me, you faggot

2017-09-07 11:21:00 UTC

I have no fucking idea who you are, so the logical answer is No you dumb bitch

2017-09-07 11:22:39 UTC

this server is really weird sometimes

2017-09-07 11:22:49 UTC

thanks tho boo ๐Ÿ–ค

2017-09-07 12:16:14 UTC

Leftists are fucking scummy race traiting nigger lovers.

2017-09-07 12:18:54 UTC

@Deleted User niggers are better looking than you

2017-09-07 12:19:18 UTC

and have nicer dicks
how can you compete lmao

2017-09-07 12:57:29 UTC


2017-09-07 17:36:37 UTC


2017-09-07 18:34:02 UTC

Wow communism is still a thing?

2017-09-07 18:53:09 UTC

Yeah, for quite a time already.

2017-09-07 18:53:14 UTC

Have you heard of the DPRK and Cuba?

2017-09-07 19:17:20 UTC

I remember back when James bond had raped goerge lopez. It was a scary day for everyone, I was milking my hamster when the news first broke out. Everyone was confused as to why optimus prime would let this happen. Hillary clinton then endorsed anal sex that day however Mario was quick to protest this idea along with Stalin who had just gotten out of jail for commiting anal rape. Though he did wrong he know his crimes were unjust. After the plane hit the seconde Kevin James everyone knew what was going on. Darth Vader had returned and we all knew it, some were in denial but had to face the truth. 9/11 RIP

2017-09-07 19:18:59 UTC

Pick one

2017-09-07 19:19:07 UTC

North Korea is an absolute monarchy

2017-09-07 19:20:08 UTC

It cares little about its working class

2017-09-07 19:21:22 UTC

Well Cuba has hereditary rule too...

2017-09-07 19:21:28 UTC

From Fidel to Raul, brothers

2017-09-07 19:21:38 UTC


2017-09-07 19:22:32 UTC

Communism doesn't truly exist anymore

2017-09-07 19:39:26 UTC


2017-09-07 19:40:31 UTC

Are we talking about communism? Are you for or against communism?

2017-09-07 19:45:26 UTC

Indifferent. It can't be as bad as capitalism, but I personally wouldn't want to live in leftist globalism.

2017-09-08 01:34:58 UTC

@National Trotskyist Are you a mutualist?

2017-09-08 02:24:00 UTC

how do we seize the memes of production?

2017-09-08 06:18:09 UTC

hory shet

2017-09-08 09:08:27 UTC

โœŠ๐Ÿฟ โœŠ๐Ÿพ โœŠ๐Ÿฝ โœŠ๐Ÿผ โœŠ๐Ÿป

2017-09-08 18:42:50 UTC

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Ollie#9236 was banned!***

2017-09-08 18:44:23 UTC


2017-09-08 18:47:39 UTC


2017-09-08 22:10:31 UTC
2017-09-09 00:32:03 UTC

I want the world to explode and my dick to grow

2017-09-09 01:37:35 UTC

is everyone here an unironical commie

2017-09-09 01:56:17 UTC


2017-09-09 01:58:43 UTC
2017-09-09 02:04:59 UTC

Marxism is hard.

2017-09-09 02:19:13 UTC

There's a reason why dumb people like me are right wingers.

2017-09-09 02:27:47 UTC


2017-09-09 02:27:49 UTC


2017-09-09 02:29:16 UTC

Private property = right wing.

2017-09-09 02:46:02 UTC

@Deleted User Any private property, anywhere, anywhen, is wrong?

2017-09-09 02:46:21 UTC


2017-09-09 02:49:21 UTC

I mean, yeah, if private property or defence of it is apart of your ideology, that's right wing. Why do you disagree with this definition? What is a better one?

2017-09-09 03:07:47 UTC
2017-09-09 03:12:24 UTC

@Deleted User I thought that you were a fucking egoist.

2017-09-09 03:13:18 UTC

Yeah, what's your point?

2017-09-09 03:14:29 UTC

I thought that egoism was inheriently anti-marxist, since it allows for private property to exist in an uncontrolled scale?

2017-09-09 03:15:17 UTC

All property is a spook. It is defacto left wing.

2017-09-09 03:16:56 UTC

Also I don't have to follow Stirner exactly. Stirnerism is for Stirner.

2017-09-09 03:20:26 UTC

Private property just doesn't *feel* right. It is too uptight. I am just as likely to destroy *my* property as someone elses.

2017-09-09 03:21:57 UTC


2017-09-09 03:22:37 UTC

Cool self-portrait.

2017-09-09 03:23:51 UTC

@Deleted User >He is worried about destroying his and other peoples property
Consequences are a spook.

2017-09-09 03:24:56 UTC

I am not worried at all. I am just saying that I have no special attachment to this or that objects. 'Property' is all the same, 'property' doesn't exist.

2017-09-09 03:27:33 UTC

'Property' destruction is fun. Primarily because people attach themselves to it and are frustrated by its removal.

2017-09-09 03:28:15 UTC

Me? I don't care. Burn it all down. I would have lost nothing.

2017-09-09 03:28:50 UTC

I want to see that tested.

2017-09-09 03:29:26 UTC

If you really do not care, then why not burn down your own house?

2017-09-09 03:30:32 UTC

Two main reasons. I'm neutral about it. It would be an inconvenience.

2017-09-09 03:31:02 UTC

Consequences are spook

2017-09-09 03:31:25 UTC

You said yourself that you hate all property, so why would it be an inconvienence to you now if you hate it all?

2017-09-09 03:31:47 UTC

I didn't say I hate property. I said I don't believe in it. The physical existance of objects is still real.

2017-09-09 03:32:11 UTC

It takes work to burn things down. I need motivation.

2017-09-09 03:32:55 UTC

The revolution won't start itself, so go ahead and burn that couch.

2017-09-09 03:33:24 UTC

Revolution? What revolution? Doesn't seem likely.

2017-09-09 03:34:01 UTC

What? I thought all of you supposid marxists and anarchists believed in revolution.

2017-09-09 03:34:21 UTC

Are your ideologies just dreams?

2017-09-09 03:34:48 UTC

You're implying I give a shit about the success of some revolution. Too much work. I participate when it pleases me.

2017-09-09 03:35:21 UTC

Hope you like waiting.

2017-09-09 03:35:44 UTC

Not really. Which is why I don't waste to much mental energy thinking about it.

2017-09-09 03:36:28 UTC

Those spookie communists can do all the hard work if they want to. That's on them.

2017-09-09 03:36:29 UTC

Give me pain killers

2017-09-09 03:36:54 UTC

Patience is a virtue, you are going to have to learn it if you are not actually going to participate in it.

2017-09-09 03:37:50 UTC

I'm not invested in it though.

2017-09-09 03:37:50 UTC

(That or you can just knock yourself into a coma, in which case you are going to miss out on a lot and are going to be in deep shit finanically and socially)

2017-09-09 03:38:23 UTC

@Anglican Go find some alcohol. Never too young to start.

2017-09-09 03:38:34 UTC

How about **n o**

2017-09-09 03:40:54 UTC

Commies are all talk. They have no presences in the first world. Why are they not seeding more revolutions in the developing world, if they care so much? Let's laugh at commies.

2017-09-09 03:42:30 UTC

I have seen a lot of commies from leftypol admit that communism cannot work in todays world without a miracle or divine intervention, so it seems a fair ammount are losing faith in it.

2017-09-09 03:43:53 UTC

**F a s c i s m**

2017-09-09 03:44:56 UTC

Yeah, I would too.

2017-09-09 03:45:20 UTC

But Fascism isn't much better. Maybe even worse in its implausibility.

2017-09-09 03:45:36 UTC

It's just more ignorant of it.

2017-09-09 03:47:01 UTC

Though you cannot say defineatly whether or not the system would have worked or not, given that it existed on a large scale within countries for only roughly 40 years, which is astronomically short for just about any belief.

2017-09-09 03:49:07 UTC

For sure. I'm not about to defend Communism. I am just saying in today's world, at least the Commies can admit their deficiencies. Fascists are less sober about it. They just live in more fantasy.

2017-09-09 03:50:28 UTC

Now we are just stooping down to bickering.

2017-09-09 03:52:33 UTC

A little. Do you have a soft spot for fashies?

2017-09-09 03:53:50 UTC

It seems that your mind is being a bit forgetful about me.

2017-09-09 03:54:22 UTC

Don't worry, I will just exploit it and not further inform you about our past experiences.

2017-09-09 04:01:08 UTC

You are deep and mysterious. Remind me.

2017-09-09 04:31:14 UTC

Sorry, I will keep to my word.

2017-09-09 04:41:40 UTC

Okay mate, have fun.

2017-09-10 04:24:45 UTC

Henlo comrades am from motherland

2017-09-10 04:24:51 UTC


2017-09-10 04:24:54 UTC

i am ready for lefty pole

2017-09-10 04:24:56 UTC

i love facism

2017-09-10 04:25:07 UTC

rickle pick

2017-09-10 04:25:15 UTC

this is a dating website right

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