Message from @ClibtardMario
Discord ID: 355889445326815244
Pick one
North Korea is an absolute monarchy
It cares little about its working class
Well Cuba has hereditary rule too...
From Fidel to Raul, brothers
Communism doesn't truly exist anymore
Are we talking about communism? Are you for or against communism?
Indifferent. It can't be as bad as capitalism, but I personally wouldn't want to live in leftist globalism.
@National Trotskyist Are you a mutualist?
how do we seize the memes of production?
hory shet
✊🏿 ✊🏾 ✊🏽 ✊🏼 ✊🏻
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Ollie#9236 was banned!***
I want the world to explode and my dick to grow
@ClibtardMario Nope
Marxism is hard.
There's a reason why dumb people like me are right wingers.
Private property = right wing.
@Deleted User Any private property, anywhere, anywhen, is wrong?
I mean, yeah, if private property or defence of it is apart of your ideology, that's right wing. Why do you disagree with this definition? What is a better one?
@Deleted User I thought that you were a fucking egoist.
Yeah, what's your point?
I thought that egoism was inheriently anti-marxist, since it allows for private property to exist in an uncontrolled scale?
All property is a spook. It is defacto left wing.
Also I don't have to follow Stirner exactly. Stirnerism is for Stirner.
Private property just doesn't *feel* right. It is too uptight. I am just as likely to destroy *my* property as someone elses.
Cool self-portrait.
@Deleted User >He is worried about destroying his and other peoples property
Consequences are a spook.