Discord ID: 219505407155109888
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I was going to ask if I could do it tomorrow it's nearly 3am and the family is asleep?
I'm just in from work will i be able to go through vetting tomorrow day before work? It's nearly 5am ATM and I can barely keep my eyes open
I'm home
Why are all commie girls so damn sexy
Is this a Nazi shitposting server
Wow communism is still a thing?
Is communism still a meme
What do you lads think of the IRA
INLA, a break away faction of the IRA
Irish National Liberation Army
No proper communists
Tried to kill thatcher a few times, they killed her right hand man tho
Irish republicanism is a socialist movement
Nah democratic socialist
National socialism?
National socialism is our fastest growing ideology prob, we have a far right party that wants a ethnostate of just Irish etc. And considering our country was fought on the basis of national socialism
This is our hero, the NP is Ireland's hope of staying the last bastion of whites in Europe
When will the EU go federal
Anybody here good with maths
Engineering maths
Root approximations
32 county democratic socialist Ireland when?
35 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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